Artificial Intelligence

>>> makes me nervous.

Annoyance of the Day: not sleeping well
Listening to:
Feeling: headachy

Okay sorry it's been a while, I mean well it's only been like ... oh I don't even know.

I am moved in. The move went pretty smoothly nix the RAIN STORM all day Thursday! We survived it, and moved it all in and I felt scared and strange.

Friday and Saturday I put everything closet was in shambles, but I finished that with little excitment. My closet is fixed too, so yay. Just need that coil on my stove. (WTF?)

I wanted to cry when my parents left. I hate when you still feel like a child or whatever ... I miss them a lot sometimes. I wonder if I'll ever be able to leave w/o feeling like crying. And why do I cry? I don't know.

Okay ... got ANOTHER GOD DAMN medical bill. All these bills on my coo to find NOTHING. I mean I'm happy that I do not have PCOS and that my periods are irregular...cuz....I'm fat. But still ... listen up ... I have $389 to pay. This is from a ultrasound and blood work. For that much you would've thought I was like getting something removed or ...I don't know. But I'm just astounded by having to pay $400 ... for what...peace of mind?

My mom gave me a check for $600 dollars. I thought that was TO much, but right now, I can see $400 of that goes to medical bills and then the $200 to my car breaks. That's just shitty and sad ass, if I had KNOWN these were going to be so high I would've had my gyn put that "magic wand" in again and forgo that friggin ultra sound. I'm just worried cuz I'm getting these bills and I do not know WHAT they are for....I mean what was the $1,000 for? The ultra sound? Then what was the $200 for? The guy reading the results? Then what was the 126 for? The blood work? I wish they gave detailed bills like they do when you get your car worked on.

Anyway, I'm irritated today. The guy behind me clips...his finger nails ... at his desk like a couple a times a day. It's disgusting. How often can you clip your nails? I mean REALLY? I don't even clip mine, I just saw em' off with a file since they have to be short for violin. No clipping needed.

So I'm just kind of cranky today cause I haven't slept well the past few nights. I guess sleeping in a strange place has it for me. I woke up today thinking I heard my front door open. Then I woke up when I heard the motorcycle guy upstairs (I call him mid-life-crisis-guy) start up his chopper at 6 a.m.

Other than that, I have a lot of older people living around me. So most of the time it's quiet except for the occassional signs of life with a door slam or creak on the stair or someone running water. I wonder if I'm to loud sometimes, or if I play music to loud, run the water to much, etc.

I washed clothes yesterday - $1.25 and forgot to look for quarters for the dryer - also $1.25 - so I just layed them out on a drying rack of my grandma's and hung up the rest on hangers.

That bites to pay $2.50 to wash and dry. I figure 2 loads a week should do it. Then maybe bigger loads (towels and sheets) may be a trip to my sisters to use her washer/dryer for free.

It's just easier to wash in my apt as it's right down the stairs ... and maybe that money saves on gas ($2.50 a gallon now) ... and wear and tear and my own sanity when sisters fiance starts to play his belly drums.

Screw that. So I'm devising a plan for quarters. The machine doesn't take nickels or dimes. So that's prolly $2.50 bi-weekly aka $5 a week to wash. Ala .... umm looking goonish asking for quarters everywhere.

Must find change machine somewhere. They used to have one here at work, but not anymore. So opting to find an arcade.

Opting to go to the casino.

Opting to go to the bank and "buy" $20 in quarters.

I bought a "method" pack of washing detergent. Lucky for me I moved when they have all these "back to college" sales and kits and stuff. SO I got detergent, softner and drier sheets all in a nice wire basket. I put a little box next to it in my pantry for quarters.

It's odd so far living alone, like I find myself waiting for somone to come home. Like I'm used to it, or the phone ringing or whatever. But I guess what I love about it, is what I hate about it - the alone time.

But I look at my building and know that all around me is single living people. Like I'm not the only one. I might be the only loud person in the building, but I see others are living solo and go about their lives. For me I watch them and like how they live carefree and go and come as they please w/o explanation.

So my quandry for this week is Thursday. Do I take half a day off work to wait for the cable guy? Or do I WORK and then wait for him to call then leave? Or what?

I wanted to stop at the Humane Society sometime to look at the cat I want to adopt. Then I wonder if I can afford it right now.

Also called my credit card to see how much was on my visa - and note I just changed over to GOLD --- so that means a $2,500 limit, but lower interest rate. So I call and it says your balance is .... ZERO. I nearly fell off my chair. WTF. I know it is NOT zero. It's more like $300 something. I told my mom who thinks they haven't transfered it over yet and if they did mess up someone will realize it.

I sat there secretly praying they wouldn't but I know they will and that's just Karma for you. Anyway I'm opting to put my $300 cat rent on my card. I'm still thinking about it. I want to do it, but dont' want to look at my bank account and freak.

This is giving me a headache. I figure when I DO this thing I'll just DO IT. Yesterday I nearly started buying cat items ... ala dishes and bed and litter and pan. I wonder what I'll do w/ it while on vacation? I can't see leaving it alone for Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun and then Mon.? My sister could come feed it, but ... ugh ... her having to do pan duty or whatever, that would just not go right. Maybe I'd put it in a kennel for a few days....oh man.

Okay gotta get back to work. I'm going after work to try to fix my sisters/fiance' computer that the dumb FUCKS have a virus on ... they went on the net w/o a firewall or any virus protection. Hello! In this day and age, you need to have a firewall.....

So I'm going to use my virus disk and hope it clears it up because it's running so super slow. I think it's a trojan or worm virus cause the computer is getting progressively slower and slower. I just hope I can fix it...eep....... Makes me nervous.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:50 a.m. on 2005-08-15
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