Artificial Intelligence

>>> funds.

Annoyance of the Day: Saving up money
Listening to: Fiona Apple - You're all I need
Feeling: Needy

I hate silly quotes people but on their banners on here. They make me cringe. Banners, just suck ass. People trying to be cute and interesting and wanting their click through to be 50% or something because they have some clever dumb ass quote/picture/saying.


The cable guy called (no not Jim Carrey) ... this fucking goon mofo who ...major ARGH isn't coming until Thurs. Aug. 18. I *had* an appt. for this Thursday but because he didn't have my lease he couldn't set my appt. which is bs cause ... what the fuck. I hate waiting, especially a week for some toad to come in my apt and flip a switch and that's it.

I'm praying my cheater box works somehow, I can't survive with no cable, let alone no internet! I'm majorly peeved about it cause what the shit am I going to do? Play Xbox? Play on the computer doing....uhhh...yeah. Or watch my Sex in the City DVD's over and over.

I'm not taking this lightly. I'm going to see if the A. phone line works still and B. maybe the cable was left on. I somehow think on both accounts I'll be SOL.

I know there is more to life, and maybe this spells out my addiction, but fuck me. That's boring. But this ... is ... yes folks isn't this just an EXCELLENT time to hit the gym again!


*Ahem* Anyway I've decided to adopt two cats. Older cats mind you - two declawed older cats (1 and 5) - a persian mix (white) and a torti/tabby (5). There are two such kats at the Humane Society down the street.

My issues: Paying $300 to the apt. complex for em.

Paying Humane Society $65 - for one cat - wondering if I'll get the next one "free" as they have "specials" like that and I'm not going to pay 130 in kit-tay-ies.

Sorry but spending $300 rent? (Will get $150 of it when I move out) ... not to mention probably having to take to A. Vet and B. buy cat food/litter/litter pan and TOYZ.

Ala' need to save like $400 up just to get a friggin cat! I feel like Verca Salt, I want it NOW Daddyyy.

I contemplated getting a guinea pig again - no $300 fee for those. Only like $100 for supplies and pet. But I just want something that'll cuddle up with or do whatever, one spot for tinkles/piddles - that's to me easy to clean more than wood shavings.

So I'm trying to THINK of a way to get $400 fast. Something, hell I'll take $300 fast ... I'm thinking about selling clothes on Ebay. Like those people who sell those HUGE clothing lots? They seem to get some major cash sometimes for them. Torrid clothing goes SUPER fast...and thankfully I have a few pieces I've boughten that I no longer wear/like. Now that's some funds.

These F-ing cats better appreciate this! Though the one has been in a cage since May ... sorry that is just so sad to me...that's not a life for a cat.

I think I'll reserve a mid-sized box for this type of thing. I have a lot of HSN clothing I bought and never wore. That HAS to equate to $100 right there. I figure I can save up $250, then put that on credit card - then will only have $250 to make up with! OKAY YES PLAN! :)

Watch me do all of this and then fucking shit the cats are adopted! Well good for them, shit for me. I was thinking of "charging" them. Hah.

Other than this, I think I might go through all of my old jewelry and sell it - like ugly pieces that I'll never, ever wear. Okay Ebay here I come, that is after I FUCKING GET THE INTERNET.

Oh ... and thanks to the messages left about my goof ridden last entry. I just have these weriod issues with myself. I have low self esteem and it's hard to overcome that. I mean whatever dude .... My thing is I don't want to meet this toothpick/man and have that LOOK -he's more muscular/average sized. That ... "to bad she's FAT" look, like embarassment.. I hate it. I know this guy is super nice to me, he's great, such a nice guy ... I've decided to TELL HIM about my conflict because if he does have this issue ... then it's better to know now.
Then he'll say we'll just be friends. And to me, you just can't be friends knowing he won't even date you cause of how you look. Or else he'll be offended thinking, I would think him not to like me cause of that ... oh fucking poppy cock, I'll just try to chill a bit about it.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:01 p.m. on 2005-08-10
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