Artificial Intelligence

>>> whatever.

Annoyance of the Day: my sisters fiance' ... assholes
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: my right wrist/hand are numb from violin practicing ... argh ...

Ah, my mom said it best to me this morning ... "you've had a bad year."

This is after taking in my car, to learn my rotors are ... as the guy said "completely shot" .... now $265 out of pocket to have new front brakes put on my car.

I guess this is a bad year, got deathly sick (pneumonia), hurt my ankle really bad, four new times, rim on tire destroyed, then another flat tire ... missed jobs, many job interviews, and now today brakes gone bad. Oh yeah and a string of misses with guys who are goony or "not interested."

I'm not letting it bring me down. I'm optimistic that though those shit things have occured, it just means things can get better. I'm moving out.

That's good news in itself. Just think, next week at this time I'll be finalizing up my apartment and moving in on Thursday.

I hope the cable/internet guy can come on the scheduled date - he said he couldn't do anything w/o a photocopy of my license and signed lease ...all this because the fucknut before me didn't pay HER bill. This chick was wacked I think considering the stain in the rug, the bathroom being kind of dirty and a faint smell of dog in one of the storage closets. Dirty gurl.

Anyway, I'm still happy and hope and pray to GOD this goes smoothly with moving in. Hoping when I open up the door to the place that they magically either A. fixed the stain in the carpet or B. gave me NEW carpeting (ultimate!).

Also needed bedroom sliding door fixed and on the range, a coil was missing. Just praying I don't have to march back down and say, look none of this shit was fixed!

Other than that, my sister and her fiance' fuck head have been werid and shitty to me. With "why didn't you do this earlier?" to last night my lil' bitch fest when fiance fuckhead said he was going to put all the xmas decor in the garage (note the garage is dirt floor, falling apart, animals live in there, it smells and no climate control and yeah it floods) so I said no it'll get damaged, so I said well then let me take out my ornaments and you can do whatever you want with it, it's your fucking house. I said it with vigor and bitterness.

Then my sister telling me then when we get there, we'll "blast the air" ... I said ... "you're talking to me abour air?" This is due to my sister keeping the thermostat at 80-81 in the house cause she doesn't want to pay a lot. Her bills are $150 ... which I hear is NOTHING to pay for electric. I mean that's not even A/C that's ALL electric. It's like if you're THAT concerned, why not stop using the washer/dryer? Don't leave lights on, etc. But for fucks sake, turn up the a/c cause it's so fucking hot in that house! I sleep with my floor fan on, hell it's rare that it's not on.

So for her to tell me to "blast the a/c" is a fucking laugh. All the times I've said PLEASE turn it on, it's 90 out and she gives me a filthy look, no no no more. F-you. I'm just happy I have an a/c unit in my bedroom and one in the living room. I can turn off the one in the living room at night and just sleep w/ the one in my bedroom on. Yay no more waking up all 1,000 degrees.

It's just weriod how things change cause my parents are currently mad at my sister for being greedy. She thinks she's entitled to everything. I swear I'm leaving my buffet there cause I have no room, to her I think she believes that it's hers now.

Well a big NO to her cause that is MINE. My parents gave that to me. And she's all shitty and upset and NUTS about EVERYTHING. It's this new birthcontrol though. My mom keeps asking me about why she's even on it...I want to say cause she doesn't want to get prego? Hello Ma. I said well fiance should just fucking THANK himself for having her put on these mind alternating/looney pills just because he doesn't want to use a condom.

God I can't wait to get away from hearing that stuff. I'm sure they ought to give me another chance to hear something, which is disrespectful to the highest degree. I told my mom, my sister is turning white trash, hill billy just like fiance.

This morning she's banging on the door as he does (just has to wait until you're IN the shower) .. and she's saying, like he does ..."hey I realllly have to pee"

Sorry, but PEE is so vulgar to use when you have to go.

It's potty, it's bathroom, anything except "pee" which is so fucking trashy to say. Sounding like an uneducated goon ass. Who the fuck says that? It shows your class/education. So I said, okay I'll be out so you can use the BATHROOM.

Yuck. Sorry, but class and how you sound/look, that means a lot to me. So white trash, makes me sick to think that she's becoming so white trash. I guess you become whatever your partner is in some ways.

God I hope to never date some run down trash boy. I just can't handle becoming one of those trashy people you see in flip flops and torn jeans at kmart digging through the $5.99 DVD bin.

Yes, I'm a snob. I know it. Whatever.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:03 p.m. on 2005-08-03
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