Artificial Intelligence

>>> stellar.

Annoyance of the Day: sister keeping a/c on 80 degrees ....
Listening to: Greatest American Hero Theme ---- "believe it or not, I'm walking on air" ... don't ask
Feeling: happy


I met a guy ... and I actually like him. We chatted and actually had a conversation.

The ticket: he's 36 and divorced and has 2 kids.

With so many of my personal strikes, right now I don't care. It's a date, it's a guy I like talking to. It's good to feel this way again, excited and happy and mysterious and all of that in one.

It feels really good and I feel overjoyed. This man seems like Dizznay as I do. Just amazing to meet someone so much kind of, in my state of mind.

I just feel like if he called to have a date this Friday I'd be there with bells on.

What was so sweet was he told me how attractive he found me. One always has to worry about that ... I do ... and when I guy doesn't tell me so ... I get a lil' worried. He said he's be proud to have me on his arm. Aw.

Attractive, cute, whatever. Something. I need my vanity ensured.

So I feel happy about this and love the feeling. Love to think about this possibility. Though another draw back - he lives 30 mins away! UGH!


Oh well, it's all new and so far good, and right now will deal with those formalities in a loose and uncaring manner.

Anyway, today was kind of drawn out ... I packed a few more things ... it's odd to see my life in a pile and then thinking about MOVING it all out. So I'm just excited about that.

But right now, all I can think about is him. He's great. Another drawback...he has the same name as my last boyfriend.


But in the throws of passion should I accidentally call out my ex's won't matter.

Not that ... that would happen since I never called out my last guys name at all ... er... scratch that. I was just trying to be cute.

I should'nt even be THINKING about that right now, but I guess that goes with the territory ... like friends, lovers, and then that. That'd be nice to do stuff again cause I kinda miss doing things and you can't do that stuff by yourself ... or if you do it's just not the same.

*ahem* Nevermind. Not thinking about that cause not ready for a let down if this doesn't pan out.

So I'm excited about moving out, just being by myself! Yay!!!!!!!!!

Now, if I get a job promotion, that'd be just fantastic. A boyfriend, living on my own and a job promotion. That'd be stellar.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:07 p.m. on 2005-07-31
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