Artificial Intelligence

>>> issue

Annoyance of the Day: Not being able to go to gym due to YI
Listening to: The printer printing
Feeling: Cranky and tired. Rar.

Feeling very tired today. Did not sleep well one bit last night, crazy when you cannot sleep for really no good reason at all.
It poured last night and I was happy that I don't have to water my plants now. Yay. Am feeling better in the Yeast Infection area, however it's still present. Also am not injecting creme/yuck into self because of the pain of it - yeah it hurts/burns. So gross.
Slept commando last night to help it along. Eating yogurt and cranberry juice like a mo-fo. Know must rebuild bacteria content, the ph whatever down there to end this crazy infection I've never had. Fucking bacteria fighting pills, got rid of one thing to get another infection. WTF is that.
So I'm feeling a lil' better though. So that is good.
My interview was yesterday here, a sudden thing, like well let's just do it now. It went well and I was there an hour and a half. We chatted and talked and laughed. I talked freely w/ them because I know them very well. However, asked them to let me know either way on it. They said they would let me know by Friday.

They lied and said they would have to see "outside sources" as well, but wanted to have it all "wrapped up by Friday."

So I'm assuming and feeling I got it, or a position as a floater. Just hoping because if I didn't, I'm knowing how I'll loathe this place even more. But feel hopeful about it and positive. Am thinking of a pay raise, less work to do meaning less stress. More artistic and creative work that I love to do.

So yay for me, I guess. Am dreaming of a white apartment, just like the ones I used to know. With the rooftops glissin' and my sister a - missing to hear silence just for once.

Okay am playing to much Christmas music on violin.

Am still not sure what to play for my new teacher Monday. Am thinking Jolly St. Nick. Easy enough, fast and friendly. Nearly know by heart. Am pissed off at D-string cause it's still new and being broken in ala you get the "Wolf" sounds from it ... tin sounding almost and seems my bow doesn't want to grab the string...could it be rosin? To much, or to little....not sure, but pissing the fuck out of me. All other strings are okay, but D is the asshole of the bunch and D is the one you play the most. Fucker.

Anyway, feel better and more comfortable with playing, warming up and actually playing tunes I used to play all the time. Feels weriod though. My muscles are getting used to it all again and I hope by next month will be on my way again.

Erm anyway. Am talking to another new guy -very near to me. Am happy about it, seems nice, very handsome if I do say so myself. It's like wow...this boy is very cute with blonde hair and blueish eyes. Very arm candy, very cute couple looking with my cheery look along with his.

Eh it might work out, it might not. Not really caring right now.

Just happy about new job possiblity. Very psyched about possiblity of moving out. Oh man, I drool to think of being on my own ... a dream come true. But a nightmare to get all my stuff to move...need stuff from Michigan ... and then from Indiana. I am taking a lot of my grandma's old kitchen things. I mean I have boxes set aside of dishes, cups, silverware, bowls, etc. Will feel odd to use. I also bought some coolio old time corelle cups at the thift store ... white and green ... so old school. Love them.

So by Friday I should know if I should start looking for apartments or looking for a new therapist. *ahem*

Oh ya, have to call gyn tomorrow as period has not started, so meaning I'll be put on something to start me up. Which is good cause that'll be it for the YI - periods kill em' dead I hear. I figure I'll be put on more pills, which means impending weight loss cause whatever meds I take I always seem to get ill with ... either nauseous, throwing up or no appetite. Lucky me.

Also am not hitting the gym until yeast inf. is gone. Might try to go tomorrow if not to bad. Or else will go Sat. Man, this sucks, want to go back so bad, am going to start taking exercise classes again - those always have worked for me. Just want to begin again w/o all these road blocks ... ankle, now yeast inf. Hopefully nothing else will become an issue.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:09 p.m. on 2005-07-13
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