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>>> anyway.

Annoyance of the Day: Taking pills 3 times a day, feeling like shit after taking them
Listening to: Sunday Morning - Maroon 5
Feeling: Fatigued

I'm really tired from my weekend w/ the folks.

We drove up after work on Friday and just hauled ass all weekend. We dug a trench for electric and then another for water and it was hot and ah...I'm not an outdoors person.

But I was happy to see my parents. The Erythromycin I'm on has a few more days before I'm done. The stuff is making me tired. Side effects are: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain, dizziness, fatigue, or headache; vaginal yeast infection; a rash; or increased sensitivity to sunlight.

So I'm only having mostly headaches, some dizziness and A LOT OF fatigue. I feel tired taking these.

I also get major diarrhea (ew) in the morning from these. Hm...weight loss? So that's 40 pills I'm taking at 250 mg each for 10 days (3 pills a day, every 6 hours).

I just worry about yeast infection, but I'm going to start eating a lot of yogurt and cranberry juice or grape juice.

Sooo anyway my pelvic ultrasound is Wed. I also will take my blood tests that morning. I just want all of this to be finished with. It's already annoying thing to deal with. Come on, just tell me I'm okay.

Regardless, I'm hitting the gym now. Am starting to eat better - a lot more salads and am eating 40-30-30 way, or low sugar or whatever. Something.

It's hard to give up my Coke 2 though, or chocolate, but the diet sheet I have says I can have pudding or raisinettes. I am going to have to start writing down everything I eat. Okay. And think up an exercise routine.

Still, feel at odds with going to get pelvic ultrasound ... just hope it goes by fast.

Also applied to a job within the place I work - for Graphic Artist. This job pays up to $30,000 ... also I'd have to move because it's at a diff. branch of our paper - like in a nearby college town. Maybe a 30 to hour drive away.

Still, want to be interviewed for Michigan job. Was up there and day dreaming of the move, etc. Something new I guess.

New guys, etc. Am feeling mighty single anymore, but still feel bitter about what happend and wish I could shake that. I've gotten better, but still wish I didn't hate him. I know I'll be all the way done with it, when I stop this hate I feel for this man.

You can't point one finger without pointing 3 back at yourself I guess. Am trying not to blame everyone for my mistakes, etc. It's hard.

Still, am feeling awkward right now, slightly dizzy and have to take my pill right now. I hope they are helping, happy my doctor prescribed them to get rid of any bad bacteria in my body that causes my crazy skin eruptions. Though, like I said, am very very tired of feeling fatigued ... that's what is very hard taking these especially at work where I've been feeling like I could kneel over and take a nap at my desk.

Symptoms tapper off they say, so yay.

Okay anyway, hope this week will come out with an interview. Was kind of sad I didn't get the Chicago job, but I look at it as God has plans for me somewhere else, or Karma does, or it's not the right time.

I'm praying, wherever I go, leads me into a relationship, I miss it right now. Seeing my sister with wedding plans and all of that stuff and I'm the tag-a-long single, doesn't know what to do with her life, doesn't make enough to move out ...fucked up girl.

I'm getting to old for this shit. I just wonder anymore where I went wrong and what is wrong with me?

Okay gotta go take my fucking pill, I bought a slice of cake at the store to globble down and then feel bad upon. But eh ... I'm sure as soon as I take this pill I'll shit it out. Fuck.

Oh no fireworks tonight, am going to bed early, but it's looking like rain is coming anyway.

posted by Jennifer @ 5:36 p.m. on 2005-07-04
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