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>>> Life

Annoyance of the Day: People who walk around snapping their fingers. Fucking stop all ready
Listening to: Train - calling all you angels
Feeling: Neurotic

WTF is it with Old Navy and "low cut" pants? You just can't buy a pair of Old Navy pants/shorts/capri's without them being fit "below the waist."
Perhaps this is okay for like size 12 people, but sorry, I hate having to hike up my pants when I A. get up or B. sit down. I like the color of the capri's I'm wearing, but not the feeling that if I suck it in, my pants will fall down.

Major, utter WTF moment for me today.

Okay so I'm slightly on edge due to less than a day away to gyno-land. I'm not like crazy nervous, but I feel scared mostly and my body is like unleashing anything that'll make me breakout or redden areas and man alive.

I'm all like okay by this time tomorrow it'll all be over! I'll be on my way to get a prescription and stuff. Or something. A friend/nurse/email buddy of mine gave me the "cancer" scare. Thanks a lot! Really.

Erm. I'm okay, whatever dude. I'm going to work in the morning, then will leave and go to my appt. I figure I probably will have issues w/ sleeping tonight. Wake up and know someone besides myself will get a glimpse of me. Whatever's clever. Not to worried, just kind of freaked about ...stuff.

ANYWAY I bought a South Beach Diet frozen meal thinking it'd be good as it's kinda low GI. But man it was...yuck. I mean I ate it up because I had nothing else, but now this couscous and chicken in funky sauce leaves a weriod hospital foody taste in my mouth. The "pine nuts" or whatever the hell they were in the couscous ... I kept thinking, this is what eating a beetle must be like. Kinda al-dente pine nuts.

I had some pear apple sauce which I ADORE and some Diet Sprite Zero which is better than the real thing. I'm going to go buy a big kit kat from the vending machine - I'm addicted....I don't know why. I have an apple for later.

It's gray here today and I go through these weriod waves of feeling crazed about whatever. Then I'm feeling pissed because of that job not calling. So I dropped the two people who interviewed me an email. Then realized, I fucked up and the one email bounced back. This means that year the guy never got my first "thank you for the interview" email...hmmph... Still. Yeah, my mom thinks they'll call next week. I just say they aren't doing this to me again, two years in a row like it was a dream and they dropped off the face of the earth. No that is rude.

The TC job should be my resume stuff today. Then again they are busy as bees as there is a festival going on there and the Fourth of July happening. Yeah, I know I'll have to wait until next week for anything, if anything comes.

It's hard to be positive when job hunting - especially in the newspaper biz/marketing/design. It's just a hard field and people are dicks a lot of the time. You're qualified but somehow they still dont' think you're worth a call, email, letter. Something. Throw me a frickin' bone here.

So I'm still feelin' like my life is at a snails pace and feel like it's not going to rev up anytime soon. No men in my life, nothing. Gone from having two job interview in one week, three guys interested to nothing.

It could all change next week as my life seems to be plentiful or drought-y. Right now the tide is out and it feels like it'll never come back. Some fucking typhoon might occur, but right now, it's like I'm a fish flopping in that tide-less land called my life.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:52 p.m. on 2005-06-29
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