Artificial Intelligence

>>> Whatever

Annoyance of the Day: Fish who kill themselves and having to remove their corpse...ew.
Listening to: Warming up to me - Jason Mraz
Feeling: Bad Mojo-y

Two things learned today:

A. My nail tech bites her nails. I don't know why, but I just was like ... that's ironic.

B. One of my fish killed itself. See I bought two feeder fish when I won this goldfish at a canival last year. The goldfish died and then my feeder fish just lived and lived. I called them Spaz and Putz cause they were nervous and crazy all the time.

So last night one of the fish kept swimming to the bottom fast, then to the top at high speeds. I hear splashes here and there.

So today, I find one of them alive, but not moving, just floating there using one fin to hobble about - floating on its side.

SO my theory is, he swam up to fast to the top and paralized himself, then died soon after cause he's a dumbass.

So the other feeder fish is all crazy today and has really been swimming erratically and I'm hoping he doesn't be a goon like his friend Putz and kill himself too.

So now I have two neon (I call them Neon, Neon after a John Mayer song) ... I have my HUGE goldfish that my sister bought me thinking it'd die, but has grown twice its size and my brand new chinese alge eater, cause Sucker one died 2 weeks ago due to my pump giving out for some reason.

So my merry family fish tank. Yay. I keep thinking if I have to move to Traverse City, how the fuck will I transport my fish there? I mean yikes 5 hour drive.

Anyway, at the nail salon ... their front door was boarded up. Someone broke in the fucking FRONT door. Note this place is on the BUSY/heavy drive Calumet Ave. This street takes you directly to the highway to go to Chicago - and it's right next to an Arby's ... ala there were a lot of people who should've saw someone smash in a door with a crow bar.

Anyway, today feels very bad mojo-y.

I also went to the gym today and to the Avenue to buy some summer clothes. I dropped $100 and was okay with that as I have lost all my fucking summer clothing.

We're supposed to be getting storms tonight and I'm feeling lazy and am going to like go take a quick nap.

Am feeling odd about gyn appt THIS THURSDAY. Feel like oh man I have acne on my fucking face that I hope clears up, stress zits or whatever. I feel like I'm to old for that bulll shit.

Oh yeah, in good news, I got my hair ass hair in two pony tails today. Note very SMALL pony tails, still I went out with them because it's to hot to mess with my hair. I was thinking about buying a Toni Pony you see on HSN ... but eh.

That Illinois guy called me last night, I didn't answer my phone he left a mess about being busy at work again and to call him.

Fuck him. I'm tired of guys putting me second, fuck work already. IT doesn't take much to make a 5 min. call.


posted by Jennifer @ 3:23 p.m. on 2005-06-25
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