Artificial Intelligence

>>> Selfish

Annoyance of the Day: Me
Listening to:
Feeling: Stressed/burnt out/depressed-ish again/ready to cry-ish

I'm nearly falling over today, so tired from doing my bosses job and all these mini "emergencies" of the ad reps who act like I should drop everything because they need to get a 2x3 in NOW.

So I'm in a word: burnt out.

IN other words, I'm feeling slightly depressed as it feels like my life is at a hault. Suddenly the silence and stillness I yearned for before, is just pounding in my head all the time.

I'm tired of hearing other peoples good news.

You're getting married? Prego? You found the boy/girl of your dreams? Your job promotion, your new job. Your new house/apartment/condo.

Right now, sorry to say I'm selfishly trying to get away from other peoples good news.

Like telling someone with cancer you've found a new lease on life and telling a homeless person you bought a new house or telling a jobless person you were just promoted.

Right now, I don't want to hear it. Right now, I apologize for hurting feelings, but right now when you have a drought of anything good happening in your life, hearing about other peoples good fortune only makes the bad parts of your rut seem all the more deeper and darker.

So right now, please, keep it to yourself. It's not up for discussion, but right now, let me be selfish.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:46 p.m. on 2005-06-24
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