Artificial Intelligence

>>> Again.

Annoyance of the Day: Hurt ankles and job interviews in ChiCAgooo
Listening to: Jude - Superman
Feeling: happy, hurt and unfathed

I thought I would do a mini update as I'm at work and it's easier to do here, though I do not like to update from here.


So when it rains it pours. So when my foot is sprained like a mo fo' I get a call for an interview in Chicago.

yay ;) - *happy limpy on hurt ankle kinda dance*

I'm praying sister's fiance' will drive me to it on Monday at 9:30 am on Michigan Ave. (across from the Art Institute of Chicago - yeah that place with the lions) ... but if he cannot - which is probably what it'll be - then I have to take the train w/ my sister.

This isn't to bad as the train is close to where I have to go. I hop off at Van Burean ... the hard part is walking to get to the street, then once there ... having to hobble across the street (four lanes of traffic) ... then down some to this building. Not a far walk with someone with good ankles.

However, my ankle still is swollen - but better I must admit. I am wondering how I'll be Monday. I cannot see my ankle being back to normal, probably walk better, but the distance is my thing.

I'm trying to think of the STAIRS I'll have to walk up and down because I recall the only way to get to the train again is DOWN stairs .... lots of stairs mind you. Like me doing one step at a time...with people getting pissy .. and oh my. There has to be escalators somewhere, I remember them, but my memory is foggy due to not taking the train to Chicago since a year ago!

So I'm interviewing back at that place where I interviewed TWICE last year - a travel agency for colleges ... for alumni ... and the schools are all top 10 --- ala' Yale, Harvard ... etc. The job is Prod. Coordinator. I swear I was right up for the job, but something happend and never ever heard from them again until today when they called my sister and wanted me to come in today for an interview.

These snobby companies thinking you'll drop everything for them.

So I said no-can-do and called them back and said I'd go Monday. The guy remembered me and said it's been a year hasn't it? I said .. yes I just was thinking that the other day ... I really wanted to work for you.

So I hope I did not sound desperate, but I really DID want to work there.

It's perfect, you get off the train and it's like RIGHT THERE. I mean you walk a lil ... less than half a block ... but I felt comfortable enough as it's right on Michigan Ave and really no place to get lost and the train is right there.

This job would equate to moving out and maybe going to college. I would ask for $35,000 and hope somehow they'd give me $38 w/o me having to name my price.

Still, I'll take $32 even, and even $30,000. Something.

I feel good about it, yet a lil scared of the forth coming pain on Monday when I have to really put my foot on the line .... I must remember that today is only Wednesday and that's now 4 days for my foot to heal. That's like a week later ... Sunday. So I know I won't be up to running a marathon, but I'm banking that I'll be able to walk with a limp and not much pain in association ... oh yeah .. and be able to wear a shoe again.

Oh man someone burnt popcorn here and it smells like...seafood. ew. Or maybe someone burnt seafood?

Other than this, I feel kinda good right now, feel like this, though small, is a pick up in my life, a light that suddenly appeared at the end of a darkening tunnel. I figure, hey Chicago .. train, new job ... new guys. I'm tired of being single suddenly.

Oh well, we'll see....I am not getting my hopes up as last year they gave me all this false hope and I didn't get the job --- fuck they even were showing me around and introducing me to people. Wouldn't that signal that you're about to be hired? The second interview the guy told me, "well if you're talking to me, then you must be hired...."

Yeah right.

Okay foot, heal please .... heal.

I'm going Sat. to get my nails done. They are a WEEK over due for a backfill (I have acrylics - pink and whites) .... so I'm worried about breakage or lifting right now. My nails are looking mighty doggy too...yuck. It really sucks to be a perfectionist cause I cannot stand my nails looking doggy as all hell.

Oh okay I have to research this job as they gave me a geography quiz (duh travel company) .... and some of the things was naming foreign airliners and what consists of the UK ... uh? I'm dumb w/ that.

I also need to clean up language and to tell myself not to speak in hill billy cause I catch myself talking like I'm from Southern Indiana sometimes. Yeee haww. When in fact I'm a region girl with a mild Chicago accent. I am not hill billy, no way, I'm monotone and stress my vowels to much. Talk slow, talk loud and don't talk long. Okay got it.

Oh man.... gotta study up. I'm nervous about this interview I think for the first time as I really really wanted this job before...I mean I really wanted it's back like a shitty boy ... and it's like are you gonna screw me over again??

posted by Jennifer @ 3:17 p.m. on 2005-06-08
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