Artificial Intelligence

>>> Fuck.

Annoyance of the Day: Oh man I need an extended list for this one ...
Listening to: Eggs cracking
Feeling: Optimisticly down

Since I'm moving from Diaryland soon - I thought I would finish up my banner runs.

See Diaryland messed up and thought I didn't pay for GOLD membership. However I did and in that they found the mistake and gave me like 29 billion banner runs.

I never really used them up cause I'm stupid or just didn't care. But I just put up ALL the runs on it ... not sure why but I figure after that runs out I will make my move.

Not sure exactly if anyone reads my diary, but I did get 2.2% on my 1,000 banner run - which is average hits.

Anyway here is my banner in case ya'll want to see it:

I really miss the old lilly template I had, but it messed up and finding someplace to host pictures for free was a bitch. SO yah.

**** enough boring stuff **** Or else if you're new please look at my older posts ****

I spent the night searching for guys on Match.Com - like some goon.

I figure I paid for a months service, I better get my monay's worth. SO I ended up emailing I think 10 guys.

I always think of it like sending out resumes ... sometimes you do not hear a think even if you send out like 100 of them, but sometimes you're lucky and a few come back to you.

But in those few, you have to know that that small percent only produces maybe one good one, sometimes two.

Dating, is a science and dating, is so fake and goonie and everyone is on their best behavior.

I basically try not to cuss because I cuss a lot - HOWEVER this is due to where I live.

SO fuck you.

I live next to Chicago - I live in steel mills, blue collar workers, I live in "da region" ... casino boats, easy pawns on every corner, drug busts, gun shots, I live where the movie "A Christmas Story" took place.

My boss curses, my mom (grew up here) curses, my sister (teacher) curses, and yeah I curse like a sailor.

I try to curb it, but eh sometimes I don't care because it's part of the English language and it's self expression.

You know what I mean when I say "fuck off" verses "buzz off."

What sounds sexier ... "fuck me" or "have intercourse with me."


*Phew* I'm nearly done refinishing the bathroom/grouting/making a mess. I really suck at it and I will admitt boys should do this type of work. I know how sexist ... but I thought strong-woman-hear me-roar would "show them all" and yeah ... made a mess with grout that..yeah freezes like stone. Stuck on the wall like ... yeah plaster like uh huh that shit ain't coming off.

I'm just going to finish it up, and caulk the edge of the tub, clean up and say FUCK IT.

Okay if I shall do another project like that, just slap me and push me down a flight of stairs.


The "big" news in the family is my sister got engaged to her boyfriend.

Her ring ... to me ... is just to over the top. There are three diamonds - square cut - on top and about four tiny diamonds in the band on both sides. It looks fake and it's gold which I hate (silver is the way to go or plat.) I told her ... "it's pretty ... but it's to much ... I like simpler things, but that's my taste."

So we just looked at it for a little bit and yah.

I thought, oh shit I have to like be a maid of honor (horror) now in some pastel mess.

I'm like I seriously need to lose weight as I walk down the isle with I'm guess one of his thin as a stick brothers next to all beef patty me.

Then I'm like I have to like throw a party or something don't I? Do I have to like ... make a "toast"?



Oh gawd ...

I am thinking of making a wedding quilt (crazy quilt) or a hooked rug (PRIMITIVE - not "latch hook" think 1700's with wool and canvas asshole) ... but I think that would be cool

I'm thinking now ... yes I'll do a crazy quilt because - it's faster and I can FRAME it. So that means not to big, maybe make a poster size one ...!

COOLIO! Okay need to think of fabrics ... and what to put on it....etc. I'll have to research it. Yay for me. I'm a fabric whore anyway.

I had a fancy for about one minute of making my own purse yesterday at Jo-Ann fabrics. Then I envisioned some lop-sided thing in ugly fabric that would be given to Goodwill in the following year.

I also contemplated making some skirts out of really coolio fabric. Then I envisioned never making them or not wearing them. Fuck.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:14 a.m. on 2005-05-29
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