Artificial Intelligence

>>> Sucks

Annoyance of the Day: Hives
Listening to:
Feeling: Hivey

I guess my body is just mad at me or something.

This is day two that I have a cause of HIVES. All over, head to toe, hives.

I'm guess it's an allergic reaction to grape juice and orange chicken I had the day before, but I would THINK by now they would be better.

However, they are worse.

They are on my hands and arms and neck, so my shirt barely covers it, and thank god we have cooler weather right now because I have to wear a long sleeve shirt or else I look like I have fucking....I don't know ... I'm a leper.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This sucks!!!! At least tomorrow is Friday, however today is the "big meeting" about the late ads ... I hope I'm not the "ring leader" of it because I don't feel much like talking today because I look like a albino leopard.

Oh well, right now I'm just looking forward to Saturday, to sleep in and then clean up my bedroom and the kitchen. My parents visit next week, so yay.

I also do not have to see my therapist anymore, she says it sounds like I'm on the right track. Erm. Okay. ;) So I'm happy about that.

I also am going to forgo seeing the gyn for now as I'd have to pay fully and if I got on "the pill" I'd have to pay fully - my insurance doesn't kick in until after my dedicutable. So yeah that's like $1,000. Don't have that ... not to mention I have to pay for college.

Sucks to be po'

posted by Jennifer @ 7:48 a.m. on 2005-05-12
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