Artificial Intelligence

>>> Yeah.

Annoyance of the Day: Throat swabbing
Listening to: bitching by family members
Feeling: feverish

Oh my gawd.

If you ever think about working for a newspaper, don't.

So this nurse weighs me and I am shocked to see like a 8 lb gain, which I'm like that cannot be as I friggin am on Ww and know I do not weight THAT. I wonder if it's my shoes. I shrug it off.

So the doctor bitches about the paper!! It's like:
"Yeah my lymph nodes really are swollen ... they hurt."
"Do you know about that ****** Country club story? It's all lies, I am a member there! I've got a bone to pick!
Me: ... heh heh ... yeah, I don't know I'm not a reporter ... but ah ... yeah my throat hurts and my ear ...
Him: "Do you know they never called us at the Country Club?" ....

So I get on the examining table and I feel like shit and am happy I didn't try to go to work. He looks in my throat and says, "oh yeah you got some dingles in there...."

I'm like WTF are "dingles?" So he says I'll write you a prescription and he puts his hands on my lymph nodes and presses on them and I pull back cause it hurts and he's like ... yeah and you have to get a throat swab.

Me...what the FUCK iS ThaT!?

So I go into this room as this nurse chokes me by putting a SWAB down my throat. So at first I feel like I'm in a porn with my mouth open and she's swabbing around and I'm fighting my gag reflex until I can't and I start coughing and my eyes are watching.

This domamatrix nurse says she wants to try it "again" because she saw some "puss" she didn't get....I'm like PUSS? THAT IS GROSS. So she does it again and I realize this must be how those skinny girls feel before they see their lunch a second time through.

I walked out all watery eyed and my throat burning ... and feeling so shitty.

Okay folks this isn't the end to my daily fiasco, and it's 100 times worse cause I feel like shit.

I go to Walgreens 1 - they put in my info and say they dont' have my insurance on record. They don't have my prescription either and will have it tomorrow.

I say fuck this I'll go to ANOTHER Walgreens.

SO I go to a new Walgreens and I go in and all the workers are kind and are like "HI HOW ARE YOU?" At this point I feel sick and tired and tired and want to go home.

SO I go to this one, they have the pills, but my card doesn't work for some reason. SO I say fuck it I will just PAY for it. The woman is like...come back tomorrow with a new card or else you'll have to pay it all.


So as they tell me it'l be ready in 15 mins - which the pills are already pre-packaged and merely takes her to walk to a shelf and put them in a baggie for me, I call my insurance and find out that I have to pay my dedicutable before the prescription plan kicks in and it's because I took the value plan for people who rarely get sick and now I'm out $95 bucks for only FIVE PILLS.

So as I'm ringing out the cashier is like let me see your insurance card, I say WHY IT DOESn'T WORK. She says you'll get charged, I say I KNOW BUT I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. She says so you know the price of this right? I was so mad.

Gawd! What a day! So I picked up my lunch at this good food place (late mind you as I had to deal w/ the Walgreens fiasco) ... and I head home and take my pill and read how it might make me: halicinate with sound and vision, food will taste different, dizziness, anxiety, mood alternations ... etc.

So I took that pill and I kept hearing sounds that I thought weren't there ... and then I heard the ice cream truck and felt fat cause I thought I heard it, but actually it was outside....

I took a nap and got a fever and yeah.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:40 p.m. on 2005-05-03
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