Artificial Intelligence

>>> Pretty Shitty

Annoyance of the Day: Being sick
Listening to: Mancow
Feeling: Pretty Shitty

I'm home from work today. Yeah.

So yesterday and the past few days I've been A. overly tired and B. cranky. Yesterday I woke up with swollen glands, headache, sore throat, ear ache.

I went to work and told my boss at noon I wasn't coming back from lunch, so I went to sleep at 1 and didn't wake up until 6!

So I called off again today and am going to try to get into the doctor. I'm guessing I have strep throat or something like that - though my sore throat comes and goes.

I also please note below I have a weight loss goal ticker ... I really like how easy it is - though it's for "fertility" or whatever, but they have a weight loss ticker...but still it's called fertility and I don't want people to like think I'm trying to get prego.

In fact, my parents and sister are barking at me to go to the GYN because my periods have been majorly FUCKED UP. I thought I might have that PCOS but reading the symptoms, I am overweight ... but my periods are not heavy. My skin isn't dry, my hair doesn't fall out. I don't get cramps usually.

I am planning on going to the gyn ... sometime ... when I feel better and when I lose some more weight - and clear up my skin and stuff.

I know saying that means ... she'll never go ... but I will and if I had the number of the gyn my sister used I would've made an appt.

Anyway NY guy called and I did'nt talk to him - and I just am tired of the man, he kind of is a form of my ex with only calling me when he's in his car to kill time, but never calls me at home.

Never asks me out and expects ME to be the one that says, hey let's go here...or whatever.

No no no no.

I'm not getting into that shit again. He's an okay guy, but doesn't talk much and yeah, I've lost interest.

Oh well I have to get to calling the doctor as my throat is back to hurting and my ear is hurting and I'm getting to feeling shitty again. It was so bad last night, oh my god.

Though, being off work, this is quite nice, though I feel pretty shitty.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:12 a.m. on 2005-05-03
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