Artificial Intelligence

>>> Argh.

Annoyance of the Day: Thinking that boyfriend is mad - when there is no reason to be. WTF
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Feeling: Headachy

Okay am applying to graduate school now. It's a crazy surreal type of thing to do when I feel like I'm nearly to old to be doing this type of thing.
So I went in today and got info (and I don't have to take any tests yay!) and ordered my transcripts (damn I got some SHIT grades but turned out with a B overall) ... and am getting letters of rec. together.

So it's all in the works and it's exciting and I'm excited and just happy about it all. I feel really good and maybe needed this to get me out of this rut that I've been in.

Er. Yay! So I'm off to gathering all of my info together so I can apply and wait for whatever...the "OK" to be let back in pay them a lot of monay for a piece of paper and stuff.

I am having a lot of trouble writing my letter of intent. As in WHY am I doing this? It's hard to put into words. Just basically for a better career? I know that doesn't sound great. I kind of want to go in as a teaching assistant or something like that having to do with the college, but not sure what to say about that. Er. I am going to the bookstore tomorrow to look up books on how to write this thing.


posted by Jennifer @ 7:21 p.m. on 2005-03-28
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