Artificial Intelligence

>>> Into bliss.

Annoyance of the Day: Headaches ...
Listening to: Something over flowing in the oven...shit!!
Feeling: Flu-ish, cold-ish, sick-ish! Shitty-ish-ious

Ugk, I think I'm getting this cold/flu bug whatever. I woke up with a sore throat ... and have felt achy all day.

My throat stopped hurting, but right now it's back again for some reason. I think maybe it's the cold air? I have a terrible headache and am cranky and tired.

So maybe I'm getting a cold?

I don't feel like I have a cold/flu just feel exhausted.

Today went by pretty well - my mom and I talked - so we're okay again. She was rude to me on the phone kinda and I think she realized it because she was nice to me today.

Work was nutty and I just floated on by. My guy was especially nutty today - his job thing is kinda screwy, and he has only four days left before he leaves.

Today also, something kinda bothered me..well not really just a kind of HUH moment. This woman was telling my guy (he was standing right there) ... like "Oh man I LOVE HER, she is so great...***** I Just LOVE HER." ... So I looked at my guy and he didn't say anything, it was odd... I expected at least a "I do too" thing...or whatever. It was just weriod, BUT I realized that I get that all the time said about HIM and I don't really react either, but wondered how he felt ... the other side of the fence about it? Still, I was waiting for SOME reaction and unless I missed it (I had turned around by then) ... I don't think he really did anything. *hmmph!*

Erm we're going to dinner tomorrow night and Sat. I'm going to cook him this meal he likes (his mom's recipe). Then I'll come home Saturday and Sunday I'm going to a bridal show with my sister. I also want to rest up a lot and clean up my room a bit.

I hope I don't get sick because I'd like to spend some quality time with my guy tomorrow night. I've missed him these past two weeks, I mean I'm addicted to us...just being alone. You get accustomed to someone touching you and you not pulling away for feeling weriod. Hands are held and lips are kissed and kissed and kissed and then the hands touching you all over ... you get so used to it, that when it's gone, you miss all the sensations.

So I hope tomorrow goes well, I hope this whatever I have just ceases tonight and this headache goes away. This also might be from my TrimSPA usage - I know I didn't drink enough water and this pill somehow sucks up water in your body to fill your stomach? So I'm hoping that is the reason for the headache/sore throat.

But I'm excited about tomorrow never-the-less.

My sister PISSED me off when I got home. I went out and bought the stuff to make the meal for him on Sat. which basically was just cabbage, noddles and an onion. I also bought a box of donuts for the next morning ... or for dessert, whatever.

And she saw this and was like WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO TAKE FOOD THERE?

I started to explain ... "cause he doesn't have any ..." then I got pissed and was like "just don't worry about it...." and I walked out of the room and she was like "Oh just flip OUT on me."

Fuck off, I HATE that, hate being questioned. Why CAN'T I take donuts for US? I'm making HIM a meal, I do not expect HIM to buy the stuff for it. Not to mention ... a cabbage is 50 cents, onion ... $1.00 ... noodles ... $3? Whoa break the bank. I took a stick of butter and a little bit of my sea salt (LOVE that stuff) ... for the meal.

I hate explaining myself! Plus he's buying me dinner tomorrow night ... and I so so so badly wanted to say, you know it's not YOUR money or YOUR life and I can distintly remember HER buying her ex-boyfriend dishes, housewares, blankets, etc for HIS APARTMENT. She always said "he's paying me back" ... that is BULL SHIT.

So she has LITTLE room to talk about me buying FOOD. Not like I'm getting him dishes or towels or whatever.

*RAGE* it just pisses me off, and in my mind I was like THIS IS WHY I WANT TO MOVE OUT. I HATE being QUESTIONED in my actions!

ANYWAY - *RAR* my stomach hurts a lil' I stupidly had McDonald's for lunch ... and now just feel blah. I hope tomorrow flies by as well. I can't wait to be with my guy, that first KISS ... ooh yeah! I LOVE THAT STUFF, man alive cause you know it's about to escalate into bliss.

posted by Jennifer @ 6:41 p.m. on 2005-03-05
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