Artificial Intelligence

>>> TAROT Reading 4

Annoyance of the Day: Brr being cold! :(
Listening to: The radio (Q101 Chicago)
Feeling: COLD! BRRrrrrrr

Okay had my reading today - asked about the guy at work and work. Here is the results:

Okay, the card on your East Door is 21 Rites of Passage. It is the
Change card. This symbolizes, with the new job and new events happening in your
life exactly what you're on the verge of- an open door. It is also a phase in your life where you are beginning a new level As you do this, I show the possibility of
intimacy coming up in the near future.
21 Rites of Passage is also the air card and it symbolizes Freedom, it
is perfect sign that you are right where you need to be... As it falls on the East Air Position.
(On my diary writings)You tend to find yourself a lot in this way huh? You have been writing
in it a lot lately through these changes? It is the Pair card for Change.
This is VERY good therapy for you.
(On that guy at work I like) Mmm interesting, he's there on two cards the north and south position!
You have sexual attraction for this man (no I don't?) I think the compatibility is definitely there.
Well, your new interest has an incredible and profound depth of wisdom He is the 12 Arrow card and this is Truth as protection. I believe he is a very honest man In fact, he's probably the committing type he seems that way could explain part of your draw to him. (I say he is funny, but seems to be hiding something) I think his humor though is his beauty
Actually his other appearance in this reading claims he uses his humor to cheer others, it is the 6 Sun Dance card self-sacrifice the problem is with that sense, he may be humorous at the expense of
his own happiness not knowing when to stop or where he begins again. He's a sweet person
His 12 arrow shows with the 11 North Shield. The north shield symbolizes a person who has a deep passion for living, this is him, as well as spontaneous emotions.
(Asks if he likes me) Yes, definitely. On the West Door (we just did south) you are on the West door.
Your positions and placement of the cards is perfect
(I ask who makes the move) He does it - let me explain what the cards say... plucking another card for a time line. Okay Talking stick is 15, viewpoints and OPTIONS you will have an opportunity, he will give you many chances to say something to him. I show what part of you he's attracted to. The west door is the subconscious card, the card that is the subtle card and although you may not be aware of
it. You have a very nurturing and kind personality. You are friendly and
fun, but you can also be serious and make people feel really good about themselves. 13 Coral goes with your random Talking Stick that I pulled. I think he may be sad one day, unusually quiet sometime soon. And I want you to ask him if he's doing ok. Try to take notice if anything like this happens. It may even be obvious, a death of a family member or a pet. With this West Card, Your pair card is the Cradleboard 27. Ability to Respond. the challenge is that he may be closed off from
some of his feelings as you suggested earlier, but talking stick with these two cards heals everything for that and he can learn to trust you and get to know you.
Then you can decide if he's the type of man you'd like to see long term. Because on the Earth Card, *connection to root, nature and self. You have 8 the East Shield Illumination and clarity, you'll get a very good picture. Coral 13 Nurturing says what qualties he likes about you. You must have a really mothering loving energy. That's all I can pick up at this point, he's attracted to this, and he probably needs some of this for some healing, if not now, definitely I show he'll need you in the near future to be aware of his existence and ask him if he's alright.
(Pulls another card) Oh man, this is getting sexual - 32 Drum, rhythm / Internal timing. Yes! You two will be in completely synchronicity soon. The drums are always going, it represents our hearts in fact, these drums tie your whole reading together, I'm really glad we pulled this extra card the numerology on it is 32.
I have a sense you both have a flow of give and take, just like a heart beating. You heard the phrase, hearts beat as one? It really happens.Let me look back a bit (time of when it'll happen) I say 4 months! This is plenty of time to use the talking stick. That's actually quite fast for a guy of his personality and nature. In fact, I know he'd like to tlak to you sooner, but he doesn't take himself so seriously and doubts his own worth. (I ask if he was hurt before) He's learning new social skills and abilities as he gets older. He's just a little socially backwards as far as it comes to having the illuminatino and insight to stay with two feet on the ground.
I pulled a really RARE card for him. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen this card NOT ONCE and I've used these cards thousands of times 4 Peyote Ceremony New Abilities this card is a VISION card I was contemplating on it for him it allows a crack in the universe to appear for the person it applies
to and see his talents and abilities it also symbolizes a need to move into who and what he is he hasn't made this manuever yet. I have a feeling that you can take his hand with this knowledge the
cards have given you and help him realize his true beauty. You seem to be an ally in his life and definitely you will move into a romantic relationship. He will try to respond, but be patient, he may be very timid and shy 4-8 months for this whole time line. (On the 8th month) Well that's to the part where he trusts you enough to be physically intimate. Remember, he's inexperienced. (She says he might even be a virgin or hasn't done it in so long).
Just watch for the sign which I told you about, the opportunity to present your talking stick. You two will inspire each other when you get together, so go after him but be Gentle! You are going to have to make some moves.You two will have a very natural flow together. I don't mean moves in the sense of making a huge effort, just moves in the sense of subltely letting him know you want to know him intimately, a smile, some questions, some talking, gentle touches on the hands, or arm when you're talking to him. He'll fall into you if you do this! He may even weep. He really needs this, he has been lonely. Do this in the next 2-4 months. Just start directing your attention toward him like watching him walk past or looking him in the eyes. (I say I already do this) So move it up a notch say HI
how are you today ~ then his name any type of questions you can ask him do it people love this! The people of his type love it they need this probing. Like alien abduction or something, well you are the abductor now and he is your abductee.
(On a job promotion) Somebody will be fired and you'll be promoted. That's what I'm showing 43 Give away ceremony, RELEASE as soon as someone is fired in the position you want, apply
immediately in ... 5 weeks or 5 months I'm not sure which one Is someone hanging by a thread there?
I'm willing to guess if they are hiring they are having internal problems. So, I say 5 months, this is also the perfect amount of time for you to master your skills


Cool, eh. So on FEBRUARY 17th he will make the move or near that. Or something.

I also chatted to her about how I get so fucking tongue tied and completely STUPID when he's around. I think I'm just scared of saying something stupid, or that I don't really know what to say to him that wouldn't make him think I'm a goof. I guess I'll work through this if I calm down. If anything I am a very nervous energy type of girl. I like things a certain way and want things NOW and I hate to wait.

That is just how I am.

So yay, good reading. I also made my pear jelly last night, it was a fiasco, but it came out okay. Not as thick as I wanted, but it is tasty.

It's like ... I made this? Next week is strawberry-apricot jelly!

Then I'd like to make something for my dad for Christmas, like canned beets or something like that. Seems easy enough and Target has some coolio jars!

I might order some Werk jars (very pricey, but cool) ... I'm not sure yet.

I talked to Pooks the last few days. He is in Dizz-ne-ay - he got lost and I walked him through it! lol Then he had to go to Walgreens near there, and I know where it was cause it was by where I stayed for my college program thing ... so he found that and stuff.

It was like a FRIEND moment when we built a bit on our friendship and hopefully he feels he can trust me or something. He said that I could have some of the canning jars in his grandma's basement! Goodie. Plus I told him my sister would pay him $10 bucks if he helped me clean out the basement, and he said no, he'd do it for free just to help ME not her.

He can be nice sometimes, but sometimes he can be a real asshole. I wonder if that's how I am. He's a gemini, I'm a gemini and my sisters friend is a gemini and he acts just like pooks a lot.

I'm like ... I'm not like that am I?


posted by Jennifer @ 2:07 p.m. on 2004-10-17
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