Artificial Intelligence

>>> Flunking out

Annoyance of the Day: Flunking, mom yelling at you, people saying you're shy
Listening to: Dave Matthews "Stay"
Feeling: I'm Okay, really this time


So I go to get my license, plates and BOOM.

Yeah BOOM. The lady is like WE NEED YOUR CAR TITLE! I'm like...I don't have it.

Then she's like, well you have to take a TEST to get your license! I'm like I had an Indiana license and she's like doesn't matter. I'm like WTF!?

So I GO take the test thinking I'm a good driver.

And I fucking FLUNK. I see two old men flunk and a business guy with a nice cell phone flunks. I'm all SMUG cause I thought I had it tied up, but the guy is like "Sorry ... you uhh yeah you missed one to many signs..."

I'm like FUCK ME @#)$&@&#$)! So I leave and this lady was like "how'd ya do?" I say...I flunked, damn it. So she's like "awww" ....

Anyway ... I call my mom to get my car title (which I accidently left in Michigan last week! I didn't think I needed it!) ... and tell her about the flunking.

Suddenly it's HIGH SCHOOL all over again. "JESUS CHRIST JENNIFER, J-E-S-U-S C-H-IRRSSSSSSST" She hisses into the phone. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STUDY AND THEN GO BACK? IF YOU FLUNK IT AGAIN THEY WILL MAKE YOU TAKE A CLASS (note, that isn't true, you can take the test as many times)."

Then she's like ... well it's hard. So I'm like THEN WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME, JESUS MA.

So it's like thanks for making me feel like SHIT when in reality, to me, it's not a huge big deal. Not like I just flunked the bar exam after not studying. I wanted to say, hey I remembered that you stay 2 seconds behind a car, but for some GOD KNOWN reason, I could not remember that a circle sign is a railroad sign. That was the deal breaker, that mofo sign that I see EVERY SINGLE day since I live in RR mecca Indiana.

SO mom goes on to tell me about how she ran into my old boss from Michigan. Tells me that the reason they put me on probation back when I got that job was because I was "to quiet" and they were "worried." YEAH probation was the answer, if only they would've told me about that. And then the lady says, "well I hope she's more talkative there." Then she's hurt cause I didn't tell her I got a new job. Then she says that she knows I have no hopes with pooks as a "relationship" and how I'm doing in that field. Mom says "tell her you got a job, sorry you didn't tell her and tell her about some guy you like."

I'm like ... speechless. I'm trying to wrap my brain around why that's any of ANYONE'S BUSINESS and what is UP with being dating and talkative? It's like you might wonder why I'm like this? That you see is why. Just leave it alone, I'm not going to respond to that on here, I can't even fathom the words to explain how that makes me feel ... really, there's no words for that one.

OKAY. So I thought my day was soured into oblivion ... but alas I went to the gym to sign up. I said to myself, if they weigh me and say their isn't enough numbers to project my weight, then I'm just fucking going to break into tears and leave.

But, it went WELL! Fantastically well! "Dee Dee" showed me around and we chatted. This place is AMAZING. and Best of all, FREE! If I go 2 times a week, I'll be reimbursed full! I got the sign in fee waived. But had to pay $10 for my id.

It has pools, tennis courts, pools, classes, it's HUGE. In the womans dressing room there is a sauna and a whirlpool. Showers, lotion, all this good stuff! I loved it. Sooo as she was showing me around she talked about the FREE classes (two were going on and looked good) ... and about their free personal trainers who make programs for you.

I asked a few questions on the personal trainer thing ... and after this we went to her office. She took my pic and said "beautiful smile" ... then went on to say that all the guys are gonna be asking for my number there and (something werid unhearable words) .... I was like ... uh heh heh...thanks. Werid. I should've said "Well I'm here to exercise...not for that..." but that would be to bitch and stupid. She was joking. I know.

Anyway, before I left, she was like, well do you want to sign up for the trainer? I was like ... right now? Now??? So we went and I go Tues at 6 for a trainer to test me out on the machines and then they make a program (with a computer) ... this program mixes up your routine every week! So you don't get bored.

So cool! Kewl even! I was like YES this is going to be a good thing. She made me excited about going. I'm so excited to go now, there weren't any size zero girls there, but chubbets and older women. Some buff guys. I can't wait to go.

I'm like Saturday doesn't seem to bad to go, I might take that class I saw with the weights.

Oh well. That made my day better. I still have yet to can. But I'm making pizza in the oven and going out to Hobby Lobby with my sister. I'll come home and can. It only takes a lil' bit anyway. The house smells of pears as they are VERY ripe right now. I say that makes for better eatin'. It's a lovely thing.

So the test, I'm not to worried about. I know what I fucked up on. I know with a bit of studying (which I don't mind because I find it interesting ... I like rigid rules and stuff like that for some reason.) ... I should do fine. I have an excellent memory for this stuff, just not for mother fucking RAIL ROAD ROUND SIGNS.

*SIGH* ... Oh well, It didn't effect me until my mom flipped out, but now, it's going away and it's not going to ruin my day or week. It's just a test I can take over and over again until I pass. I can do it, I did it before back in the day when there were only 20 questions on a computer from the 60's. I did it then, I can do it now. I tend to think I'm wiser and more calm then way back when I was ... *gulp* 17 years old....WOW THAT WAS 10 years ago! Didn't realize that until

posted by Jennifer @ 11:51 a.m. on 2004-10-16
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