Artificial Intelligence

>>> Does that make sense? And sextops

Annoyance of the Day: Having to set up your desk at work with everyone watching you
Listening to: Nada
Feeling: Eh, okay. Going to practice violin tonight ... which will undoubtedly make me a grumpus

It's been an odd day already.

I went into work and my trainer comes over hastily and starts to load her desk up into a box.

She's pulling, sorting and I'm sitting there, like "why the fuck didn't you do this on FRIDAY?"

So she finishes up and I gain a coffee mug for my pens and a planter that I take home for my aaah...plants.

So my desk is MINE and now I'm packing up stuff from home to take in. Mainly, lotion, cleaning supplies and some office stuff.

I always hate to have the office buy me stuff because I dunno...I guess I don't like to look cheap. I CAN buy my own mousepad and ah, newer stuff. I just take that stuff w/me when I leave. Ya know?

Anyway, today is going okay nix two mess ups, but it's okay. Nothing major.

That asshole tech guy that sits behind me finally spoke more than 5 words to me today. Of course sarcastic.

Let's just say I really hate people who are rude and sarcastic just to be that way or seem "different." He's like that guy on SNL where he'll fix you're computer and be like THANK YOU for bogging up your email FILES. GOD.

So in my new desk-dom, I put a new desktop on my computer - I put convergence on it (MAC) and he strolls by and it like "what the HELL KIND OF DESKTOP IS THAT?"

I say, "what? I like's ... umm....Fiestive!"

Wrong word, but it was the only thing I could think of.

So he goes on for 5 minutes about "feistive"..."I'll show YOU don't want to see MY feistive ....."

I sat there like, is that a sexual joke? I sat there as he went on ... and his friend joined in "yeah you don't want to see his fiestive, believe me."

I'm like...uhhh ... whatever.


I just misspelled fiestive ... or is it feistive? fuck.


Uh. Haven't yet heard from my new guy. I'm getting kinda like "if I had another guy in my life, new guy would probably be out of the picture or tossed to the side for rainy days."

Because what lacks in new guy is actually CONTACT. He doesn't call me. He doesnt' SEE ME. He says "lets go out!" but obviously we haven't.

It's like he wants to say "I'm dating" but not actually do it.

But I've used him as "my boyfriend" in conversation merely because I didn't want to seem like single girl at the moment.

I don't know, it's odd and funky. Communication is lacking and if only he'd step up to the plate, I know this would get better. But he seems scared or hesitant..something. I can see why, but personally, me ... I don't know like it. I know why, but don't want to deal with why.

Does that make sense?

posted by Jennifer @ 1:07 p.m. on 2004-10-04
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