Artificial Intelligence

>>> I'm stupid

Annoyance of the Day: Being stupid, having people catch you looking at them
Listening to: Miracles of Miracles - Yentl soundtrack
Feeling: Stupid

Okay I thought absense makes the heart grow fonder. But actually it's pissing me off.

My new guy hasn't spoken to me now for three days. This is coming from talking nearly everyday for like 2 to 3 weeks.

And I'm like, is he busy? Is he playing hard to get? Is he having some inner emotional conflict, to soon, to fast?? Then I thought, maybe she came back ... and and ... or maybe he's seeing someone else.

Over active imagination me.

So I'm like OKAY WHATEVER. I yahoo Im'ed him "where are you?" message to no reply yet.

OK don't have time for this today. Today is my first violin lesson. Today is my busiest day at work as well. But I'm doing okay and when I get back have to clear up this stupid ad conflict due to my own stupidity.

er ... Kinda nervous about tonight as I can see my teacher saying some funky terms and telling me to play the G scale or something odd. I'll say plainly, look dude I haven't really played for like half a year. So nah.

I guess I'm in a tough shit mood today as there seems to be a whole lot of stuff to be done and no time anymore.

I'm talking to pooks again, and it's I don't know about him sometimes.

I told him about a part time job where I work and supposed he said he'd apply. So I said I'd read over that application, but he seems to be dragging his feet on I'm not asking anymore.

I'm staying home this weekend as well, going to Michigan NEXT weekend. I'm going to get my license plates on Saturday and probably go to the gym and sign up. Then go shopping as there are a bunch of sales going on.

I find that I like the tank top and lane b. ribbed cartigan look now. I wore a dark green/army green tank and a black ribbed cartigan and I really liked the look. I thought I looked a bit young, but then realized that I dress to old anyway.

To business like, not young like. Ya know?

Soo, I hate to go back and fucking talk about that stupid ass ad thing and to know it's all MY fault, that sucks just as well.

Anyway, we had an office meeting today and this graphic arts guy, I think was like hitting on me a couple days ago.

This dude, was like...ya know, gives that look. You know that look. So yeah. So I'm sitting down talking to him and then the other day I walk past him and he's SHORT. Really short. But I was wearing heels so maybe he'd come to my nose now, or my eyes? Shit.

But today we're at the office thing and I was looking around - and he saw me looking at him - but I didn't MEAN to look at him. I was just looking around the crowd.

Soooo I'm looking around later on in the meeting cause it's boring...and boom, he looks at me again. Fuck.

Soo I stopped looking around after this and just kept my eyes to floor or safe spots.

So then after this, he walks past my desk and smiles and I smile and lift my eyebrows for some stupid reason ... like I'm saying ... hey there strangerrrr.

I didn't mean to do these actions, I really don't like him and the way he dresses and his laugh all make me gag.

I dunno I'm stupid. Arghh!!! Today is so crazy!!!! I hate to go back to work, it's going to be nutty with all the stuff due at one time. Geez mon.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:10 p.m. on 2004-09-30
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