Artificial Intelligence

>>> I'm happy with that

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Frig. That's the second time this week I've accidently deleted my entry!

That sucks because it's hard to recreate what you were doing before. I can't really remember what I was saying before.

Uh. I have my first violin lesson on Thursday at 8pm.

Uh. Me and the new guy are still talking, but I keep feeling like maybe he's not ready or is stalling or something. Does he say he wants to see me because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings and what would happen if I stopped talking to him through Yahoo? Would he call me?

I feel like I'm afraid to find out because he's the closest I've been to liking someone in a long time.

Although that guy at work, he makes me laugh and I look foward to seeing him. He's not pretty to look at, but his personality, it's beautiful.

I enjoy him, but work dates ... and hell he probably doesn't even think of me like that since I've only been there a week.

Oh man. Not this already.

Happily at the place I work, there are a lot of guys that are Jen quality-date wise. It's odd.

But fuck it all, cause right now I really need to lose weight.

That's my new thing. I walked by the mirror at the shoe store and was like Oh my Gawd!!!!! Ew. I have a weriod fat thing going on, something that if I lost like 10 lbs would correct itself, but I see myself getting weriod fat, like the doughboy fat. Not like before where I was fat, but not weriod fat.

I don't know, it's hard to describe. I guess it's a fact of those weriod rolls you get sticking out on your shirt like you're hiding some pizza dough in there.


Anyway my fucking cell phone is PISSING me off. It won't email the pics I take with it and I'll be DAMNED if the Shit-ingular site can help at all. It's all like "call" ... no email or help boards.

Gotta hate that. Geez why is this simple thing so hard right now?

I'm mildly annoyed by that right now. Hmmph!!!

I also have a headache - I made a batch of pear and apple sauce. It smells great, but my sister and I are allergic to cinnamon - the smell and the taste gives us bad headaches - so we're both grumbling about the small amount I used (didn't think it would be that bad.)

Soo argh. I find that I'm allergic to garlic, grape juice, citrus and cinnamon. All of them effect me with headaches, flushes or ... stomach issues. ;)

I guess I'm getting old or something or there is something that each of those things have in common. I don't know, it's not life threatening, just an annoyance.

Okay, well I'm all achy, headachy and cold. Fall is finally here! Hooray!

I knew this because some fucking ANIMAL ate one of my watermelons! So I picked the last one, and threw out three baby ones because I know it won't be long before it eats that too. So I threw it all out, ripped out the vines and trashed it all. Fuck that. So now, all I have is my green pepper plant, which has two baby peppers on it right now. I'm happy with that. Oh well.


posted by Jennifer @ 3:43 p.m. on 2004-09-26
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