Artificial Intelligence

>>> Just fucking save it!!!!!!!

Annoyance of the Day: PEOPLE
Listening to:
Feeling: @#)*%&T)*#@)*%&)#*@)(%&)(@

What the fuck.

Guys are just ASS HOLES today for some reason. Pooks was a COMPLETE ass hole to me and hurt my feelings.

Then new guy was STUPID and STUPID and just plain STUPID today and it's like you know what, make up your mind, do you want to date or just want an internet WHORE. Because guess what, I'm DONE WITH THIS WHOLE INTERNET SHIT.

I'm getting very bored and very peeved at this route and this dancing around thing.

This obviously isn't the real deal because he's not ready or something. So fuck it. Whatever.

THEN pooks, is like being a complete DICK. I ask him about going to this thing in Chicago with me on Tuesday at 6pm. I call and email him twice about it.

No replies. So I IM him and ask and he says he has to take his grandma to the doctor. I'm like at 6 pm???! He's like, oh...whoops. Ha ha ... I'm like oh okay, NEVERMIND. And he has the fucking.

Yes the FUCKING NERVE to say "don't be like that."

FUCK OFF. FUCK YOU. I caught you in a lie and you could've just said ... no I don't want to go ... or something of that manner like I don't have the money, whatever...the TRUTH. But no, he lies, I catch him in the lie and he doesn't even apologize?

ASS HOLE. Say it with me: ASSSSSS HOLE!

So fuck em'! I just signed off my yahoo messanger from Mr. Newbie because he's a fucking idiot and I really don't have TIME FOR this shit right now.

Yeah I'm stressed out and burnt out and feel like shit because I'm trying really hard to do my job right and there is so much to learn and since Monday I've been complete on edge with my period and getting stuff in order like license plates, checking accounts, papers, and getting my cell phone hooked up.

But regardless, I don't need anyones shit today and personally I'm TIRED of everyone in my life right now. I just want to be LEFT alone and right now it seems people are waiting in line to piss me off.

My parents being to over questioning and this jokey ha ha "what are you doing, you never call me, we never talk and WHERE WERE YOU when I CALLED BEFORE." Shit isn't cute and it's pissing me off.

My sister yelled at me today for no reason and it's like you know what, I'm sorry but I'm doing completely new shit and it's hard and I could really, really USE SOME GOD DAMN SLACK.

Just fucking save it.

Geez mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by Jennifer @ 9:09 p.m. on 2004-09-22
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