Artificial Intelligence

>>> Almost but not quite yet

Annoyance of the Day: Stress
Listening to: No Doubling Back - Jason Mraz
Feeling: Headachy, anxiety!


I've been so busy and stuff, and I know it's just Tuesday, but I am trying to not let myself become overwhelmed.

So far I feel okay ... I know the first part of my job -- well pretty well -- but the covering for my boss, now that is something that today I felt so overwhelmed everything she said was like she was talking to me in a different language.

Not only do I have to learn a new program(s) but how to lay out ads in a newspaper, in different zones and how to write all of this in columns and inches and print lingo I'm not familiar with.

I started to take notes but gave up because it was just that much, I knew my notes would be just as confusing so I told the lady, I understand this is easy, but there are so many steps this is going to take me a while.

The other trainer is very nice and I'm getting how to do that job which I'll be doing ALL the time. It's just the little things along the way that will show my newness.

But I'm certain after doing it, I'll just get to know it and then be someone everyone can trust and stuff.

So right now, I'm just stressed out a lot and very grumpy lately.

I was so mad at my sister today and there really was no reason to be, but I guess that is stress for you.

I don't want to deal with new guy because like a gemini, I'm losing interest.

I had my tarot read and the guy said it wouldn't last, not because of him, but because of me.

I agree with him, as the tarot dude said I live to much in my head and not on the outside and things are kept secret and things aren't said...etc.

He said what attracted me to this guy is the glimmer of the man I really want to love. I really agreed with that, because although the new guy is so sweet and kind, something is missing.

I knew this before the reading and right now, I truely feel like it.

But alas, the reader said in 3 months time I will have to choose a path and my life will change in the relationship department.

He said I've been stuck on my path in life and just sinking and hiding. He called me a hermit ... lol ... but he said now I'm awakening and need to continue and venture out and just risk it all.

So Okay. Whatever. Wasn't a great reading but it sorta confirmed how me and the new boy aren't really mixing to well. I'll still give him a chance, but he never calls me and I'm always the one who seems to contact him.

No, let this purser be the pursuit for once. I'm tired of this shit already.

If you want a relationship, I need attentiveness ... I need someone to call me and want to be with me - all the time (not like EVERYDAY) ... but you know.

Geez. Almost but not quite yet.

Well got to get back to work, geez time flies! I think I'm getting off at 5 today as I did start at 8 this morning! Eep!

posted by Jennifer @ 12:23 p.m. on 2004-09-21
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