Artificial Intelligence

>>> It rained and poured and poured today

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Man, when it rains it pours and pours and pours.

*SIGH* My cell phone died last night/yesterday.

Yeah, I was all pissed at this guy cause he said he'd call and he never did and now I see my cell phone has been DEAD for the past few days.

So he could've called, or could not have called. I'll never know and I was so mad at him and now I feel foolish cause you know, it's my fault.

My shitty ASS PHONE won't send or take calls. I can't even check my messages.

So I had my mom cancel the service, so at least that is saving them money a month (yeah they were paying for it). Ma said she'd buy me a new phone and service, but I said NO. Not like I use it to call anyone or vice versa anyway and suddenly I wanted to cry because I realized it was the complete truth.

Then I get emailed by my interviewer who pans me off to someone else for designer jobs - and this lady is someone that my connection says isn't very nice - so I'm going to have to talk to him and then email her a networking letter.

And somehow I feel this is a hopeless feat right now because I've been down this path and right now this path is leading me in circles and circles.

And I just feel like crying all over again in despair. No, not self pity, but plan unconcentrated despair.

The evil eye is defenately on me right now, and I know that bad things come in three's ... so what learning that I didn't get the job is strike one, strike two is my cell phone DYING and strike three may be the no money, no boyfriend, no hope for a job soon combination?

I hope that's it because I can't take a strike three right now. I keep thinking what else can go wrong? Really what other bad news have I yet to receive? Might as well get really sick right now, break my glasses or get a cavity because I have no insurance. I foresee me getting cancer with no insurance, that is just my luck. Getting in a car accident, getting my arms chopped off, or some grim scene is just my luck at this point and time.

Fuck. When will some good news be coming? Because prayer sure as well doesn't work for me, tarot is a joke and hope is useless. Now what? Think POSITIVE? Yeah that gets me really far, a happy unemployed disillusioned girl.

posted by Jennifer @ 3:07 p.m. on 2004-09-08
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