Artificial Intelligence

>>> Gardens, fish ass and tarot

Annoyance of the Day: Fish ASS
Listening to: The fish tank hum
Feeling: Frustrated!

Okay, yeah. So.

They took that job I've been vying for off their website(s) and now I'm all like ... did they hire someone? Ready to make a decision? WTF?

So I'm all scared and worried and feel like this whole, wait/worry thing will be resolved by next week ... and am more scared/worried by the minute.

My mom emailed and was like chill out! Didn't your tarot lady say you were going to get it!?

HELLO IT'S TAROT. It's not on fact, it's just a spin of like the magic 8-ball ... not really REAL, but it feels kinda GOOD to think that it COULD be real.

It's not REAL. I mean it's good to think it's REAL, but come on.

SO I just skimmed through my diary to see what my last tarot was like, and naturally it's so basic that it could apply to anything in your life. But damn, if she wasn't right on about that asshole I was talking to.

Yeah that ASSHOLE who kind of damaged me because of making fun of me being unemployed TO much. So much that now when a guy jokes at this I get ALL defensive and shit. I mean I already feel like a loser, I really don't need some GOON THAT I BARELY KNOW saying SHIT about me.

ANYWAY. Yeah it aggravates me to no avail! Where was I?

Er. Yeah I love Diaryland cause I can go back and ready about my interview and remember stuff I'd forgotten.

But I've been mulling over that last interview and recall some good things she said. And recall I FELT so very positive about it all and even the test I felt pretty good on (nix the part when I remembered where I messed up.)

So oh well yeah, I'll continue living and worrying about fretting about it until like Monday where I'll be all afraid to answer the phone.

Maybe the tarot is right, maybe I will have another interview? Or maybe...the tarot is so wrong, so very wrong that this false sense of renewed hope will be broken when she says ... well we decided to go in a different direction ... EEEKKKK!

Okay enough about that.

SO I went bowling yesterday and out for pizza with friends. It was kinda fun, although I suck at bowling ... er. We went to this reptile store next to the pizza joint ... and ewww. It was HOT and HUMID and stinky in there.

I got all clausetrophobic in the isle cause they are all close together and every where you turn there are HUGE snakes, lizards, spiders, pirahanas and other funky shit.

SO I'm all mad cause they have like three alligators in these small ass cages and feel all BAD cause the animals are all in small cages and can't even MOVE let alone TURN AROUND. And they are looking at me all pissy and I'm like dudes I totally can relate because sometimes in life you feel that you're in such a small area that you can barely turn around and are trapped.

So yeah I get to the end of the isle and this HUGE ass snake is trying to BREAK OUT OF ITS CAGE. It was BIG. Not boa big, but like half the size of that and it was a python? I think, it was colored kind pretty ... a light sage/brown green. So I'm watching it as it keeps nudging the top and everyone (even the store clerk) go in the back to look at the iguanas so I'm all mesmerized by this HUGE snake hitting the meshy part of the tank.

So I'm all watching and it stops and it looks at me. I see that weriod eye ... eyeing me up like it's saying "can ya help me a bit I promiseeeehissss I won't bite." So I stand there as the THING goes to the corner and the CORNER STARTS TO GIVE WAY!


WELL, I don't know if it ever got out cause my ass HIGH tailed out of there. I did, however, look at the fish and then put my finger on the glass of a pirahana tank and it tried to bite it through the glass ... and I cooed at the huge turtles.

But damn. That place was so creepy. I got out of there and felt FAINT. lol

Oh well. Today is like funky cause it's all 70 degrees out but like 100% HUMIDITY! So it is hot and cold out.

I just realized the diaryland is a blessing and CURSE. Cause I just read through some SHIT times in my life -aka-the SHIP LIFE and it's like reliving that and when I quit my newspaper job ... damn.

That sucks doesn't it?

Oh well, man, for some reason my fish - well fish tank NEVER is completely CLEAN. I cleaned out the water THREE TIMES this week and still I'll get a wiff of FISH ASS. It has a filter and the water appears somewhat clean, but three fish (two of them being the size of a small paperclip and the big one the size of a bonbon) really can stink up a 2 gallon tank.

Pee --- ueeewweee. But I enjoy them and sometimes just stand there watching them for like a half hour. My sister said that is unhealthy lol but I love to watch em' eat and swim around and look at me with their no-eyelid scary fish eyes.


Anyway. I finally picked a watermelon today! And I picked two of my acorn squashes! ALTHOUGH I picked the big acorn squash up ... and noticed SLUGS on I flicked them OFF and then noticed a SLUG WAS ON MY FINGER and did a half death scream. Ewww.

So I have 5 more watermelons growning although they are very small, I guess due to this funky summer weather. My green peppers suck ass though cause they are growing ALL mini now and then just don't grow. I picked one of them that was really tasty. Then picked another which SUCKED and was sour and then picked another but haven't eaten it yet. There are 4 still on the plant, but they are just to tiny.

Anyway, I think I might make something with the squash next week. Like put the stuffing in the squash and bake it? Mmm I love acorn squash with butter and maple syrup in it. Ooh damn that's good. I should've grown spaghetti squash too cause that's really good as well.

I think tonight I'll crack open me ol' watermelon and see how it tastes. Our neighbor gave us two cantalopes. One was fucking MOLDY (thanks!) so I tossed it and we have another that seems okay. So I'm hoping one of my watermelons will have his name on it. I have a funky frankenstein one growing now that has strange bumps on it and .... I don't know what its deal I think I might give that one to pooks! lol

posted by Jennifer @ 9:37 a.m. on 2004-08-28
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