Artificial Intelligence

>>> Hermit Crab and the Debil Fish

Annoyance of the Day: Wanting to buy Hermit Crabs
Listening to: The clock ticking
Feeling: Oddly giddy and positive

I got a new pet! Well a short-term pet - a gold fish won at the fair! His name is Debil!

I'm sure he'll croak by morning or by next week or whenever. My sister, her boyfriend and me went to the fair. He won two hermit crabs that I named Sampson and Carlitta. Heh heh

I kinda want to get crabs now ... that sounds so dirty doesn't it? ehhehhe The sign at the fair said "We now have crabs!" ewww.

My sister says the hermit crabs die just as easily as the fish do. But for some reason when her boyfriend was picking them up, there ugly little eyes and claws just spelled out cute to me. Don't know why.

Oh well.

I spoke with my connection and he said in so many words that the interviewer does that type of "conversation" interview and tosses in some "soft" questions.

She doesn't really do second interviews and he said it's POSITIVE. Really it's positive Jen! Just as long as you do well on the test! Shit!

Oh well he's supposed to report back to me tomorrow sometime. I feel GOOD though, regardless that next week, or the news in the next few days will spiral me into extreme happiness or extreme sorrow.

For now, I'll be positive and happy and feel like hell maybe I DO have a chance.

Then when I hear the news, I'll wallow in the "what the fuck am I going to do now" pile. Like, I don't know. We all know.

Yeah, hike back to Michigan.

Anyway. I ordered TrimSpa and it should be arriving shortly. Read it was the best diet pill out there due to the vitamins in it (yes it's ephendra free - that stuff is against the law now in the U.S.) ... but there is some strange new herb that is getting people up in arms now ... kinda like the ephendra, but not as bad - not a killer.

But like I said, we'll see. I'm going to exercise tomorrow and also clean the house a bit. Try to work off of the what if's and my typical over-analyzing it to death in my head stuff.

Today's joy was my tv remote control worked. I know that's stupid, but after it got wet from my window being open in a rain storm (yeah and my bed, comforter and pillow getting wet as well) ... well the remote didn't work. Today I figured I'll try to see if it worked and it indeed was back to life!

I don't know why, but that brought on a small joy in my life.

And for some reason, I felt that maybe, just maybe everything is going to be alright. The interview wasn't terrible, I felt like I did good on my test, and I was just in a pretty good mood.

This is a rarity for me anymore - and now I remember a time where I felt like that all the time. So I guess I see that when stuff is going okay in your life, there really isn't need for complaint. You have your work, health and happiness. Not bitching about it all.

No, I kind of understand that concept now. I really do.

But right now, just going back to that old newspaper, just being there, I felt like I belonged there, and feel so positive about it, like I GOT the job. Just like I'm waiting to begin, to start.

Hearing how the two others who took so long on their tests, that are now out of the way, I'm happy with my insider tips from my friend ... what would I do without him?

It would be odd to work with him though, I don't know why. When you go from internet chat to real life, everyday hi's and chats...that'll be odd to say the least.

But oh well I'll survive. If only I knew for sure that I got the job. I'm thinking my prayers and my little voodoo spell I did might've worked.

But then again, next week could come crashing down around me and...ya know. I might have to think about butt kissing to my old employers in Michigan. Which by God, please I do not want to do.

Oh well, I better get to bed. I'm slightly tired and Debil is looking at me through the plastic tank I have and saying, what the hell is going on?

I kinda wish he'd live and grow to be one of those HUGE gold fish. But ... alas I guess I have little faith in this tiny fish who'll spend his last days with me. I'm like hospice for this fishy.

Oddly enough, I guess the faith and hope I have in this fish is like the shakey hope I have in finding a job right now. So many possiblilities and so many what ifs and sceniros to be played out that could happen. Or in the end, it could come crashing down so far as to death of a career in an instant.


posted by Jennifer @ 10:16 p.m. on 2004-08-19
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