Artificial Intelligence

>>> Being like Scarlett

Annoyance of the Day: PMS hot flashes
Listening to: Er ... I can't remember the name of the song or band lol!
Feeling: Hot (temperature wise)

Ah another day doing absoluetly nothing.

I woke up at 8:30 due to my neighbor being right below my window (I sleep on the second floor) ... and hearing him talk some worker fixing something or other. The other guy had a weriod accent, I was trying to figure it out, it sounded Chicago-ian, but also sounded like a regional accent (those who have lived in this place ALL their life, for a couple of generations at least.)

My sister said his accent was that of a "stupid" person because the guy kept saying stupid shit. But I think maybe it was a mix of the two accents - because some of the things he said - I say the same way. Hope I'm not ... er ... stupid.

Anyway, still haven't heard from anyone today and feeling a bit ... icky again. I go through these droughts of no-job-ness, no interviews, etc. Then suddenly it's interviews and renewed hope galore.

But right now it's a drought.

Ah, I'm not going to think on it today and pull a Scarlett O'Hara and worry about this some other time like when my sister approaches me and says "school is starting and you're not going to sit at home all day rent free."

Hopefully that won't happen.

It might, probably could, but alas, I'll think about it later......

Anyway I have to start to lose weight, I keep THINKING about it anymore. It's almost overcoming my job thing and I-have-no-money thing.

I don't know why, but suddenly it's like Jesus F. Christ, how did I let myself slide like this? I feel like I've gained 100 lbs!!!

I know this is mostly due to my period being here, but still. Plus I keep feeling HOT - body wise - like I'm radating heat. I was laying in my sisters bed and got up, she was like "OMG you're so hot, it's like the heating blanket was on!!" ... lol We both think one day my sister will find just my feet in my bed because I'll have conbused due to my body temperature being like at 200 degrees. lol Note - I don't sweat - it's kinda strange, it's just like I'm a huge heating pad.


Okay let's review what my job situation is because I'm feeling afraid right now:

A. Waiting for Chicago job call. They are hiring someone who'd be my boss, so maybe that is the hold up. Haven't heard from them in a week, and I asked to notify me either way on the job.

B. Talking to my connection who is supposed to talk to the person to hire me for this job at my old paper that I was made for. This hirer is someone I know and she knows me - and I emailed her expressing my interest in the job. Da connection is supposed to talk to her too and get back to me. He will talk to her tonight I think and let me know. There aren't any promises on this one because this place is HARD to get into and they are fucks.

C. Go back to Michigan and work. Although I emailed my boss and he never ever fucking replies to my emails for some INSANE reason. I'm sure I could fangal my way back in if I have to. Sometimes I want to, just to forgo all this other shit of interviews/waiting and waiting.

But what I want right now is stability. Just some stability would be okay to me. Oh and to lose like 10 pounds.

posted by Jennifer @ 3:15 p.m. on 2004-08-09
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