Artificial Intelligence

>>> Fabric monger

Annoyance of the Day: False hope
Listening to: Fair - Ben Folds Five
Feeling: It's a good makeup day

God I love cooler weather. It's been in the 70s since the big storm that took out a huge limb that put a DENT in my car.

I'm not as upset as I should be, it looks like someone punched my car. I think my dad can pop it out, but I'm not willing to try that myself (I'd probably do more damage).

Anyway, there was a huge fire in Michigan by my parents house. I told my dad to take photos and he did and called my old boss and told him...blah blah they used them all. I emailed my boss to say HI and don't tell me smack how my dad takes better photos than I do (he joked about it with my parents.)

So we'll see what he says.

My GOOD, great, news is that I talked with my contact at the paper I used to work for in Indiana (big paper). I asked about this job there that I had interviewed for (didn't get it, but would've if this snatch who used to work there came back) ... well they are hiring for the BIG paper right by my house.

I asked him about it, and he was extremely helpful since the person who is hiring is the woman that was editor of the time when I didn my internship.

And they're best of friends, and they talk all the time, he tells her about me a lot and updates her about me.

He says that he'll ask her about it and tell her about me wanting that job. He said to email her to let her know you're interested.

I did this and she emailed back saying she remembered me, etc. It was nice. But I don't trust that place, something like this means a lot as he told me not alot go for this particular job, and it's good to get your foot in the door.

So that's really really good news for me. Seriously.

But I have NOT HEARD from that fucking job in Chicago. My mom thinks the guy is on vacation because he never emailed me back.

I think well maybe, but then again they could've hired someone for it and said "fuck it, don't reply we don't need her."

I know that's harsh. Er.

So my choices are: Work for my old paper, or go back to Michigan and still wait to hear from the Chicago job.

More waiting to do I see.

Anyway, I'm beginning my crazy quilt soon. I bought a shit load of stuff for it with money I don't have. Today I'm going to go buy some muslin for the backing. I measured out a full size quilt and Jesus H. Christ it's huge!! I'm doing 6 squares across and down, 36 squares at 14.5 inches each!! It's like 87.5 inches total. Doesn't that sound like a lot??

I cut out a 14.5 piece of newspaper and measured 6 squares and it does look like a full size quilt size.... My sister said it didn't look big enough. I kept thinking, fuck do I have enough fabric for this???

So I've been buying fabrics like a mo-fo from ebay and went to an auction and got some more, Pooks is giving me his grandpa's old ties. I'm still looking for fabric ... and thinking fuck this is going to take a while to do isn't it?

I think maybe I should've made some pillows first, then the quilt, but I guess I'll do both at the same time as I'm bidding on some snazzy cool fabric like these:

Ahh I love fabric. These are by Alexander Henry. I also like Robert Kaufman fabrics and Amy Butler. I usually go to this EbaySeller for my fabric needs.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:42 a.m. on 2004-08-06
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