Artificial Intelligence

>>> Feeling

Annoyance of the Day: Sneezing
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I feel like COOKING this week. Don't know why, I guess it's cause it gets my mind off of stuff like jobs, love and other crazy stuff.

So my sister and I are going to this ghetto grocery store - it's lower priced foods, yet some name brands. The snobby part of me sneers at this, but the realistic side says, well you don't have a job afterall.

So I'll save my pride for later and just buy generic brands and look at their fruit section, which is oddly very good for a cheaper food store.

Regardless, the meals this week will consist of Pork Tenderloin (bought it and froze it when I was eating 40-30-30) ... which I will crockpot it into Teriyaki and pineapple and garlic flavored meat.

Next is potato casserole (like CraCker Barrel - aka crapper barrel) and finally will be a batch of cookies made for my MOM's bday. I'm going to Michigan Thursday, so I'll make them Wednesday.

I also have a job interview once again - with this company that called at least a month and a half ago - well they called again saying they finally are ready to hire and might want to interview me.

Hello, for fucks sake, why do companies have to wait forever?

Anyway, I'm supposed to hear from the other company this week - end of the week (I'll be in Michigan most likely).

This other company is only a couple doors DOWN from the one I interviewed for last week! Kinda strange! But oh well.

So I hope to get an interview let's say on Tuesday - and my sister will go w/ me and I'll interview (know that won't last as long as the other one did at an hour and a half!)

So that'll be set and thank God it won't be ungodly hot if I should have to go. Because you know companies anymore - majorly unpredictable like a wild cat.

So I'm kind of oddly okay lately. Not to self-manic-depressive - bipolarish ... though I am getting slightly worried about the whole MONEY situation.

I did buy stuff from HSN ($100 bucks shot) and then a pair of shoes from Spiegals ($29 shot) ... and just got my visa bill (yikes.)

I'm scared to look in my checking account and also wondering if my sister will let me pay for groceries as I always offer (at least $75 shot).

But I feel confident that the job that interviewed me last week wants to hire me. I really do feel that way, I just KNOW it.

I also canceled the Rockford job interview after hearing how bad the town was from three people, not to mention they said it was a poorer part of Illinois and probably not willing to offer up what I'd be asking in pay. Oh well.

So yeah, that's how it's been lately. Haven't heard from new boy lately, he seems to always call when I think it's over and we're to much of strangers for me to point that out.

Plus, I don't think I'm all that interested that I'm sitting by the phone. I simply am not caring right now I guess. Plus ... he's ... kinda TO laid back that he's almost a bore because we've talked about nearly everything to think of.

He always is saying "my friends say I'm sooooo smart." "I'm soooo smart blah blah blah."

You know if you have to say that, then you're covering up some other flaw you have. Like maybe he doesn't feel smart, but says it to feel good. I dont' know, it's annoying.

I also have been doing my DVD/exercise tape this week. Man that's hard work but I just feel better after I do it! I just wish I could wrangle myself into eating right. I think having a full time job would nip that in the bud.

I fantanize about working all day, eating a healthy lunch, going home to exercise and eat a healthy-ish dinner.

Sounds kind of do-able, but knowing me I'd be like "I'm to tired to exercise" or some other excuse.

But it's normally 9 to 5 jobs so I'd be home at a decent hour everyday - and not like at the paper where I worked my own hours, and was always on call ... just like on the SHIP where I was always always on call and can't remember a time where I wasn't called or paged after I went home for the night. It was working 24 hrs a day, everyday in those types of jobs.

A Chicago job seems 9 to 5 Mon. through Friday .... no call-in's or called at home for something. That will be strange, and I hate to think of those starting days when you feel so confused and stressed that you're not doing your job right ... that 90 day probation ... oh my God. Makes you almost not want to work ever again, or work in some lower job that's easy like cashiering or bagging groceries. Hm.

Oh well I also think I'm getting a cold - we have a sudden cold spell here in Indiana. Went from 90 degree weather to now 70's. To me that spells cold. Yesterday while working out I felt wheezy and conjested. Ick. I hate working out when you're like that. But I do it anyway!!

posted by Jennifer @ 11:39 a.m. on 2004-07-25
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