Artificial Intelligence

>>> In the Upper 30's

Annoyance of the Day: Being Nervous and Cranky at the Same Time
Listening to: Perfect Plank - JUDE
Feeling: Sugary

I guess I should be happy about having a job interview tomorrow morning at 10AM in Downtown/da Loop - Chicago ...

But I find myself nervous due to actually finding the place and GETTING THERE.

I'm taking my sister (yea we both are non-Chicago people who hardly know where we're going) ... and I know she's like me with directions and finding shit.

I know I'll find this place easy.

But what always and continuously worries me, is getting BACK on the train.

That's the trick part since the place I interview at is from Randolph Street, over the CHICAGO RIVER bridge - down 5 blocks and boom hello interviewer.

Then after that, it's back to find the train depot at, which is always underground in the catacomb of Chicago train systems. Yes, I get confused finding just where I have to go. I know I make a big deal out of nothing, but last time I went w/ Pooks and my sister to find the train, I didn't know where the fuck I was. I was happy HE DID because I sure as hell thought we'd fallen into some deep dank hole of endless tunnels and signs that meant nothing to me.

So I'll be ok, I just wish the other job would call because I really DO want to work for them. I've made up my mind, I want to work for em, want to be a travel bunny and take calls from these big 10 colleges, museums and the like. Hear my heels click on the marble floor and have a easy walk to the train station which is right by.

But I'll give this place a try, maybe I'll like it better and have better benefits and the like and learn to deal with walking around 6 blocks or more a day and figure on maybe hopping on the EL or some other easier route (cuz you know WINTER ain't to friendly in Chi-Town) being right on Lake Michigan and all. Brrrr. I know if I get either job I'll have to invest in some major winter wear!!!

Anyway, I paid my Visa yesterday and wasn't to shocked at the thing. Gave my sister $40 bucks for groceries and felt alright knowing I have $700 in checking - that'll last me a while if I'm careful (aka stop spending until I know I have a job).

So I'm okay but am very grumpy today because of tomorrow. I guess it's nerves and just feeling a dread of rushing down there and then interviewing ... fuck I hate interviews.

Tell me ... about your last job (looks at resume) ... uh Jennifer.

Tell me why you left your job at ... (looks at resume) ... *izney Cruise Lines?

Hey does *izney really make you _____? (insert some stupid word that is obviously a "no" to.)

Oh and the one I hate to answer: So how much are you expecting to make here?

Me? "In the 30's" though I'm thinking of saying "In the upper 30's"

I read on that I should be making at least 42,000 if I'm working in Chicago in graphic/layout design type or editorial. HELLO!!! lol Somehow I think that salary is something you'd only read in a book.

So now I feel like I should spend the day shopping for a new business outfit to wear tomorrow, something COMFORTABLE at the very least. Fuck skirts and biz suits, I just need a nice comfy biz top, I have the pant thing covered. Hmmm maybe I'll go out today and see what I can find cause.

I was exercising when I got a rash of phone calls. My sister, her boyfriend, that job and then my parents. My exercising is done for the day I fear because I'm so wound up right now that I can't concentrate on plie' and crunches and side-kicks.

So today I shall go take a shower, go to the AVENUE and go to BIG LOTS to get a rolling pin and flour sifter (things I noticed yesterday that my sister doesn't have!) and go home and paint my sisters stools (painting in Mary Ankle-Bite style) ... and just chill and come to some calming conclusion which usually is "fuck this, fuck that, let's just get this thing over with ... (drama) I just don't fucking care anymore." Type of attitude that gets me through these types of things.

It'll be okay ... won't it? My mom says not to worry, but it's always easier to say those things when you're not the one who's going through it.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:59 a.m. on 2004-07-26
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