Artificial Intelligence

>>> Pairing makes the difference

Annoyance of the Day: Asshole friends
Listening to: Q101 radio station
Feeling: Bored!

You know I have my profile for "dating" on some site right?

Well I keep receiving ones from guys who just want sex. I mean what about me says "I just want sex" ? Seriously, I can't tell you how many I get that just want a "playmate."

I sit here and wonder if people ACTUALLY have sex that way? Just a one night, sex only relationship?

Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but to me it seems to unpersonal and a bit skanky.

ANYWAY, yeah I got a email from some dude who is married and just wants to "have fun."

Perhaps I should be flattered someone would want to ... me. But it's creepy and makes you wonder about people's morals.

Just like 40-year-old the bible person. A man who wanted to get in my pants, knowing I'm a virgin. Isn't that against the bible? That's why we don't talk anymore - he has mental problems and a serious anger problem. Bleck.

I call those type of people as "bad genes."

Anyway ... speaking of bad genes, Pookie kind of pissed me off yesterday.

See I have ANOTHER JOB INTERVIEW - and asked him to go w/me as it's in Rock ford, IL and I don't want to drive 2 hrs there alone (it's past Chicago!) - so he lied saying he had a eye appt. when he has 20/20 VISION! HELLO.

I know it was a lie, and I wanted to say, why don't you just fucking tell me you don't want to go. But that isn't it - he is jealous.

I know that's catty to say, but he's looking hard for a job (thanks to me updating his resume, it was so bad before it looked like HIGH SCHOOL type of resume!!) ... so now it looks good and he's applying to jobs (I think) ... but stupidly applying to jobs over his head that need experience and pay a lot - like the jobs I apply for.

He seems to think we're equal. But he hasn't served his time, his resume reads as a job hopper and also reads as shit jobs that don't need naturally he has to start entry-level. But in his mind entry level pays $30 or more. Uh NO. I don't even make that much.

I'm like it's more like $20 and maybe to $25 depending on if you work in Chicago.

He doesn't understand that, and I think even with a newer resume, if his attitude doesn't change, then there is no chance.

He doesn't like to listen to me, even though I've been in his shoes and where I am today because I TOOK shit jobs for EXPERIENCE!

So right now I'm not a fan of the Pookie and so happy my sister is coming home tomorrow. I rescheduled my interview for next Tuesday at 10 a.m. I'm hoping the other job calls and tells me I'm hired so at least I have time to call the other place and cancel completely and not have to drive 2 hrs to get there.

Ya know? I'm kind of SET to work for that place in Chicago, it just felt like I had the job, but no call yet and the girl who has the job leaves this Friday. So we'll see I guess. I'll be a bit upset if I don't get it because it just felt like they wanted me to work there and I feel like I know what they want, etc.

But strange, odd things happen.

Just like.

My new boy called last night! I had given up on him, thinking he was like that other fuck who just stopped talking to me he finally called. ;) But somehow he doesn't seem wise to meet, and tells me what he's doing each weekend with this friends. I wanted to say, you know if you want a girlfriend, you're going to have to A. Get to know me and B. Meet me and spend time with me.

Somehow maybe this time I'm the one who'll get bored or tired of just talking, talking, talking. Hm.

Oh well I'm not sure what to do today. I wanted to go shopping for a new business/interview shirt. I need new shirts if I do get a job - I have the pants covered, but shirts I have very little of!! Plus Lane Bryant is having that sale and that jacket you know the one I really want -- this one

Jacket, with the pink cami!

But sigh I don't have clearence to get it from the "You're Hired! You have a steady check!" type of thing.

But yet, I do have a nice coupon I'll easily use on this lovely jacket and cami paired with black houston trousers (maybe brown?) I have...ooh I love clothes.

So the question is what the fuck am I going to do today!?!? I think go grocery shopping or something easy. They have this ghetto grocery store called Save a lot - it's so cheap and you have to bag your own shit in these cheap ass I just like the atmosphere of pure region people and ethnic foods you wouldn't find in a reg. store. What is that saying about the people that shop there? Heh.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:40 a.m. on 2004-07-21
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