Artificial Intelligence

>>> Job interview quickie

Annoyance of the Day: Heavy T-Storms
Listening to: ManCow
Feeling: Nervous!


Yesterday I got a call from a place I just turned my resume into - it's on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. It's across from the Art Institute.

So I'm going up at 2 w/ pookie and he's driving my car because the trains run at odd times and would allow us to have to wait an hour and a half there, then going home would take more waiting.

So we said fuck it, let's drive!!! I didn't tell my parents because I'm sure they'd flip - the only thing I worry on is taking my car to Chicago. I tried to take pooks but his car has the engine light on and well I don't want to get stuck there. The only thing I worry about is a car accident - or traffic ticket as my parents are paying for my fucking insurance. They would kill me ... God I need this job so I can pay my own insurance and have no more ties to the ol parents checkbook.

SO I'm willing to take this gamble because I think it's a good decision as I don't want to wait for the train AND pay for my ticket and pooks. That alone is at least 50 bucks verses driving and paying for parking ($10). Then we can leave when we want as I'm sure the interview will be only 20-30 mins.

I don't know why I feel so nervous about it, I think because we're also getting very heavy t-storms today and ... God my car does not like the rain, it hydroplanes like a mofo.

After Chicago we're driving straight to Michigan! Four hours!

So today will be a long day, but an adventure to say the least!!

Plus I could be getting a JOB!!!!!!!

Although, I didn't want to work in Chicago, I am not complaining. I'd rather be working and taking the train instead of just sitting at home waiting for a job.

I also applied for another job at my old college, they won't begin reviewing resumes for another two days. So maybe I'll have another interview there.

Oh well that's good news though, I just hope this place pays well - as they should because they have a suite on Michigan Ave.! I'm saying I expect to be paid "in the 30's."

So it better be like 35,000 with having to pay for the train ride each day!

Heh heh I also think ... hmm I can date Chicago men now ... hehehehehhehehhe "I'll meet you after work."

Although, taking the train is a drag. Maybe I'll learn to drive there or something?

Hell I better get the job first.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:59 a.m. on 2004-07-13
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