Artificial Intelligence

>>> Spinning head

Annoyance of the Day: People, everyone
Listening to: The Clock Ticking
Feeling: Strange

I've got a really bad headache right now - so this will be short probably.

I'm on my DIET/Lifestyle CHANGE right now.

So that's two days of FASTING. Yes, today is day one.

I'm not supposed to eat a thing.

But I ate 2 PB crackers ... and a handful of popcorn.

That's not to bad I guess. I drank two slim fast shakes today (ew).

And right now I just drove home from the movies and seriously felt very FAINT. Yes faint. I felt tired and I feel like I'm walking through a dream. I just want to sleep right now.

So I'm guzzling down my Slim Fast shake because I just feel FUNKY.

They said this clears your body out of the bad shit...I don't think I'm drinking enough water as well.

So I'm going to drink a gallon of water in a bit. Oh my, I feel so fuzzy headed, I don't want to think about anything right now.

My Boy hasn't called me since July 3rd.

So I'm kinda like... um...? He did IM me yesterday but it was a one sentence hi and then sign off type of deal.

I'm missing the ATTENTION type of guy. You know those guys who ah... give you ATTENTION.

Ya know, that's kind of what I expect and maybe I'm not with today's world of dating...or maybe I'm asking to much.

I hope he calls tonight, it feels weriod and I hope I didn't ... well I don't know...can I say it's not me? Maybe it's him?

Maybe we talk to fun and not enough serious wise. I don't know right now, just feel confused and right now don't want to think about it.

Nor my job situation.

I have a interview Wednesday. I might cancel it as it's a very very far drive to me (an hour and some minutes just to get there) and...I don't know. It seems like a far drive for that job - plus I'm not moving out there considering I bet the pay isn't any great shakes. I'd rather hop a train to Chicago everyday, that's a shorter amount of time!

Anyway, I'm going to go lay down.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:27 p.m. on 2004-07-05
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