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>>> Tarot fun and what type of candy I am

Annoyance of the Day: Walking on a wet floor and leaving muddy prints! EEK!
Listening to: Josh Groban - Home to Stay (aww)
Feeling: Tarot-istic!

Yeah hi.

I took a stupid test here are the results:

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

er okay.

I had my tarot read today - I know don't believe in it, believe in it. I don't know, but here were the results:


The cards show some success AT Last in the career area for you...After a great and long struggle. The cards show you will 'finally' get some 'justice' from the situation some reward for the struggle but it still may take more time and more struggle...but by these cards I'd say not too much have 'almost' reached the end

No exact time frame...but it is very clearly drawing to an end ... so I'd say it should be int he final stages ... the waiting the struggling...of course often such things are at their worse just before breaking The only hint of 'field' is the judgment card and the 'lovers' card ... so it is what you would like to be doing ... love doing and you deserve, to be able to work in that field that you love. The ten of cups is the result card, in this deck represents a 'celebration' ... so I'd say you will not only get 'a' job but a job you will be very happy with

Basically the cards here are saying you shouldn't 'settle' on a job outside of the field you WANT to work in.

LOVE: A LOT of 'passion' love energy with you, A very loving and wanting-love back person. The fool card though...perhaps you are not always very 'smart' in love but the cards show me you really want/need love in your life you aren't one of those people who can be 'lonely' without it being a real hardship. The central card also is a 'good' sign. The 2 of cups in this deck...signifies not only 'good' love but successful love...very loving and lovable ... wanting/needing to be loved...albeit a bit impulsive and foolish in the search. I don't see much 'tragedy' in you past love life often in these readings i find just tons of old past BAD relationships...those don't show up in your cards..either you've managed to avoid that plague so many of us suffer...or you haven't let it scar you as it does most of us

About that BOY: OK...getting REAL conflicting messages here - on one hand he is a 'good guy' a 'knight in shining armor type' relationship with him would be 'healthy' the cares state for you... BUT on the other hand the cards also warn of his flaws...Greedy, lusty...self-centered in that typical male way alas, lol.... and the tower card worries he just out of a past bad relationship? It seems real clearly a 'part' of his persona...the tragic break up either in his past or as a 'fear' he has for current relationships it will color how he deals with current relationships (either way) he will be overly careful and wary about getting into relationships for the fear of bad outcomes. A fear of 'badly ending relationships' I really think he's has a MESSY break up in the past that sort of scarred him..the way I was saying you seem free of such scars that so many of us carry. Its a central issue for if he'd not went thru such a break up before....then he for some illogical reason just fears and worries over such a loss...perhaps who knows from a broken home or seen close friends relatives go thru messy break ups... 'be careful' mainly - the cards say he is a 'good' guy

and the relationship with him and you could be a good healthy successful one...but his 'worry/fear/past issues' with fear of breakups will hold him back a bit...try not to take that personally. I'd say he's not a bad guy at all to get involved with but just be aware of his 'baggage' issue with messy breakups fears.


Some 'money' should be coming into your reach within the month...maybe even a job you will need to 'look further' than you have's sort of 'hidden' not exactly where you been looking. Though still getting hat clear message that you shouldn't settle on some job outside the field/area you want to be in that you enjoy. The need to look places you've not looked before..been looking searching in the same places...but missed a place to look. A man will likely be the one who offers you the chance for the work, an older man and The money will be 'good.'

And ou'll be surprised at the offer...but as I say it isn't where you been looking so you are going o have to sort of rack your brain for more places to look to find this oppertunity or it'll stay hidden alas It's not going to 'fall into your lap' as they say, understand?

But the money cards are real clear here for the month the opportunity to start harvesting more money is clearly there for find.

The Empress card is crossing you ... usually represents mother or motherhood...nurturing and comforting energy - it's usually a help a comfort not a hindrance, but it seems to hold you back. Your own mother you Perhaps 'overprotects' you over comforts you...doesn't let/make you get along on your own two feet as they say..yes that could be it...

The motherhood energy normally a help is somehow a hindrance to life in general' and in particular this next moon cycle perhaps just try to be a bit more independant....less relying on others...elders, protectors..parents particularly but the month looks real promising...the job possibility

If i were you...just be sure to sort of go out of your way looking in new and unusual palces/ways for work this onto so you find this hidden opportunity maybe that is why the opportunity is coming up.

don't worry too much about really looks like a job is coming up for you real I said likely even in the next month

LET's Just SEE what happens! Eh! Kinda interesting ... er ... in a very basic type of way.

Found this quote today ... kinda like it: "People need your love the most when they appear to deserve it the least"

posted by Jennifer @ 1:27 p.m. on 2004-06-30
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