Artificial Intelligence

>>> The plan of action

Annoyance of the Day: People who get mad and won't speak to you for NO REASON WHATSOEVER! @#)%&!
Listening to: Broken - Amy Lee, Seether
Feeling: Flushed


I'm in Michigan right now visiting my parents. Got my Slim In Six program FINALLY IN THE MAIL TODAY.

It took more than two weeks to get here, that is totally and utterly riduculous in itself that a package THIS SMALL took THAT LONG.

Oh well, I'm happy, I'm content, I have the program in my hands!

I got and felt empowered a bit, then started flipping through the literature, which is pretty straight forward, but I think I'll have to take some notes because I'm not sure what DVD to do first, when , how, where, etc.

Anyway, I'm having a allergic reaction to something I ate just now - my face is on fire and I feel dizzy. I think it was the garlic I ate - in high doses I get like this. Are oranges related to garlic? Because I feel this way when I get to much citrus type of things. Hmmm?

Anyway, took my vitamin with green tea/chrominum in it and that shit WORKS. I took it before we went out and ate and I ate a little bit of salad, a piece of bread, then only half of my meal. It was nice. I was actually full and I said no to dessert, though I really wanted some - but alas to full feeling! - Great, lovely, grand.

Anyway, that was good an all, we went to an auction and my parents bought a stove - gourmet stove - for $3,300. It originally cost $5,000 and has been used less than a year. It's nice and heavy - thankfully the men loaded it up and when we got home, my dad and our neighbor unloaded the thing.

Made me happy to be a gurl because I just, er didn't want to deal with lifting and then putting it together. I know how sexist, I'd rather clean the thing.

Also during the auction, this guy had a petition against same-sex marriages. I was so pissed OFF that they let this man here and allowed this. I was offended! Assholes.

My sister and I leave tomorrow morning and right now I wish I could leave. After we ate - well my sister went to the bathroom ... we were walking out and my mom opened the bathroo door on my sister ... my sister started crying/pissed ... so we all get to the car, sister pissed/cry eye and mom not talking to anyone.

We drive home, no one talking. My mom starts crying and doesn't talk to anyone. Now she's talking to my dad but not to my sister and I. I'm like what the fuck did I do?! I seriously didn't do anything that would warrant the silent treatment! Really! I'm like THIS IS WHY I will not come back to work in Michigan and live with my parents.

I'm sorry, but my mom has mental problems. Seriously. I love my ma, but sometimes the way she acts and the things she says, it borders on looney. Like refusing to meet my sister's boyfriend for no fucking reason ... (hello) or when you talk about something she doesn't want to hear she'll ignore you and sit there and not talk to you.

Or when people come over, she hides in the bedroom. It's embarassing. I'm sorry.

It's embarrassing to have to have to much up excuses because she can't come out and at least say HI.

So I'm mad right now because she's acting like an asshole to me and my sister. She shouldn't have walked in on her (she KNEW she was in there) and she SHOULD'VE at least said "Sorry."

But oh well, okay we leave tomorrow so I won't let this get to me. This is God showing me that I shouldn't come back here because this is just total bullshit (sorry God, thank you God).

I'm hoping God (hi again God) is listening to my prayers (oh please be listening) and will please grant me the job at either Pu rdue or at the PostTribu/newspaper position/job. That would be lovely and God I'm ready for it. I feel like I'm up to it God. I just need that chance to razzle dazzle em' in a interview with the smiling Jen B.

I just hope the job thing hurries up. I haven't really thought on what to do otherwise. I guess I'm nearly certain that I can find something and not have to go retail - maybe that is a lot of ambition or hope ....

Anyway, I try not to dwell on it and will concentrate on exercise/weight loss until it bores the fuck out of me and I know it by heart. At least for a while, the waiting game will have this mini-interruption and maybe time will fly and ... you know ... something good in my career life will turn up.

I think I might go for a reporters position if it comes up at my old paper. Hell they won't hire me in design, but maybe they will as a reporter. I do have articles - oodles and oodles of articles that are very good featurey and court type of things. Maybe that'll be my ticket into a career.

I know reporter scares me (coming up w/ stories is hard) but I'm sure it's better than "paper or plastic?"

I also started talking to this guy who I'm all out to date. Like IT'S JUST HIM, type of YOU-WILL-DATE-ME type of thing. I guess that's desperation and he's not half bad. But we haven't talked since Friday, and he left talking to me abruptly w/o apology. So maybe I'm jumping the gun. I won't be played the fool or disrespected.

Oh well my cheeks are still on fire - HOT! - so I think I'll start writing down my diet PLAN of action. Whoopie!

Can't wait to leave tomorrow, feel like something is coming next week! Something good and juicy, and delicious like a job interview call or something in that fasion! Something at least.

posted by Jennifer @ 6:10 p.m. on 2004-06-26
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