Artificial Intelligence

>>> Interview ...

Annoyance of the Day: Waiting to hear if you got the second interview/job
Listening to: Watching - Working Girl
Feeling: Maybe I should've done things differently in my interview...


went well.

But I won't know if I got the SECOND interview until the end of this week/beginning of next week.

It did go very well and didn't really feel like an interview. Now I have to hope I make it to ROUND TWO interview - which is with one of the "big boss" type of thing.

Kind of ... er strange. But the lady kept saying, "well what you'd be doing here is what you did on the boat."

So I'm like that's really cool she said that and is associating my current job with the one they want to hire.

But you never know. I don't know why I feel like this as I AM OVER qualified here. But I just cannot tell myself "I have it" type of thing.

It felt good, like I'd be back. I asked when the position needed to be filled. She said as soon as possibile. I asked when the cut off date was for this job ... and she was like "oh this week" yet the job description says they will interview until they find I wonder.

Wonder if I am the only one going for this particular position ... or if I am running with others. Before my interview the lady was talking to a older lady...and after my interview a young girl was waiting. I just want to say...are they going for this job too??

So we'll see.

Also my old paper is hiring for Graphic Designer.

I know I could probably get that job lickity split. But a piece of me, oddly, wants to stay here in Indiana.

I feel like I have to be here, just to live and have my own life. God knows I adore and love my parents, but I just cannot live with them any more.

I know I could get my own place in Manistee, but ... I just do not want to go back there.

God please, I know I said I wanted to go back ... but look at me changing my mind again.

I want to be here.

I want this job at my old university, I just want to be here.

I already have some guys I want to go out on dates with, I want to see pookie more and have fun with my sister.

I just want to be on my own in this sense as I will be paying rent to my sister and she won't be the one squawking and asking me where I am all the time as my parents do.


I just want to be here. I just hope my interviewer really talked me up to that lady. I know she was VERY impressed that I worked for Dizzney. But we shall see won't we. God I just want it all to pan out somehow.


My birthday is this Sunday. Can you believe it?

posted by Jennifer @ 5:04 p.m. on 2004-06-08
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