Artificial Intelligence

>>> I can relate

Annoyance of the Day: Waking up to loud birds outside your window
Listening to: She by Elvis Costello
Feeling: Nervous

I just kind of figured it out.

I was sitting here wondering when I have to go to work ... and realized I don't yet have a job here in Indiana.

Yet it feels like I do. I mean my interview Tuesday is like one of those jobs you walk into. I'm very over-qualified, but feel like this cuts me down due to me leaving at any moment for a better job.

So to them, I could very well be a threat of sorts. But I don't think it's as much as that. This job has been up since April - and is hiring until they get someone. I'm guessing no one has met their expectations yet - as this person is the frontline to student/guests who need help. So you need someone like me who'll make them feel at ease, someone they can talk to and is approachable.

This is thanks to my Dizzney training in customer service.

But before that, I've always been overly helpful, nice girl. I help TO much people say. But that is a good thing isn't it?

Then I felt ... what if I don't get this job? Then what? Really. What then? I have no other interviews, no nibbles. Nothing.

Nothing. Anywhere. Nothing at all. It's scary to think about it. I'm still looking at jobs to apply for but haven't found any recently. God.

So I feel that this one HAS TO BE IT. Isn't that sad? Time is dwindling. June 9th will be a month until I have to return to the shi(t)p.

So I'm sitting here feeling a bit nervous. But Tuesday I will hopefully have some better answers and feelings. I'll have to be a happy, polite, talkative, informative girl. Nix my nervousness and just smile like I'm trying to be Miss America.

Oh well...yesterday Pooks and I went and had a drink, dinner then drove by this new theatre. I almost got in an accident as Pooks told me to drive down this backroad I'd never been on. It was a sharp curve - and in nightime, It didn't look that sharp until I saw I was about to hit an oncoming car! I jerked the wheel back and made this tight curve going 35 mph. I thought I was going to go off the road.

We both screamed when all danger was out of our path.

Then we began to argue and as I said "WHY did you take me down this fucking road in the DARK that I've never been on!? Are you NUTS!?"

It was fun, we made it to the theatre and I parked and we both had a cigarette to calm us down.

- Note: I don't smoke. Just once in a blue blue moon do I.



I'm going to see Harry Potter 3 today w/ my sister. Whoopie. I LOVE seeing movies. I hope it's as good as the other two. I'm kind of bummed that they've grown up so much - I don't know why.

I guess it's such a drastic change - it's not like a Micheal Jackson thing either.

I want to see a lot of movies coming up, so I will frequent the new theatre a lot I'm sure! I think I'll go w/ Pook to see Van Helsing soon.

Oh yes and I MUST garden today or tomorrow. I have to plant my watermelon and squash. They're busting out of their containers and asking to be planted. They want to grow and get on with it.

I can relate.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:36 a.m. on 2004-06-06
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