Artificial Intelligence

>>> I'm a different person

Annoyance of the Day: Going in to see your boss and ask for a job and him on vacation
Listening to: Evanessence - Hello
Feeling: Can you say TENSION HEADACHE?

Well. Last night I was laying in bed talking and praying to God. I said God please just give me another job, I know I prayed for the one I'm in now...but now I realize....what I want. Just please?

I spoke to myself "No, you got what you asked for." (Was I playing God?)

So I pleaded and said I so hated my current job and just want to live normally and be happy. That's all I want.

I said something to myself in my God voice - maybe nothing - I can't remember.

And the rest of the night I tossed and turned, sleepless - headachy and worried.

I woke up and got ready to go visit my boss - which later turned out that he's on vacation more on that later ... - well I got my cell phone and turned it on since it's been off.

I had a voice message.


I have a JOB INTERVIEW at my old college! *SCREAM*

I stood there and wondered if God heard my feeble pleas and wondered if he laughed at my "Playing God" and wondered if maybe this is part of his game, like you don't have the job yet ha ha ha, you won't get it, I'm just messin w/ your hope.

So next Tuesday at 10 Am I have an interview and typing test for a job.

It's not a great job, more like a clerky type of thing. What I'm there for is for the fucking classes. I can finally get my masters of communications.

The good thing is I get a big HUGE break on classes. The bad thing is I get paid shitty - but maybe it makes up for the break on the classes.

Still it's good new, but kind of exciting and whoa what am I going to wear!!?

I also got myself into a stupid fix. I bought a 21 inch pc screen off of ebay - didn't want my parents to know and the fucks might send the thing to our MICHIGAN house instead of the Indiana house where I asked them to send it.

Argh. I hate explaining that to my parents, they get nutty. Plus I ordered my sister new speakers for the computer - mind you the screen was 147 and speakers 15 bucks. Not like I spent $500. Still..oh my.

Also my Slim 6 stuff is coming on DVD and it's coming and I won't be here! FUCK ME. I'll have to have my parents send it to me and god help me if that monitor comes and I'll have to come here to get it...fuck me!!!! I hate when I do stupid stuff.

I also cannot wait to live w/ my sister so I don't need to explain the things I do. I HATE that I'm fucking 26 and have to EXPLAIN why I do things.

Ug. I love em' but sometimes. ARGH.

Oh well I feel slightly upset/bummed about my ebay/monitor/speaker and Slim 6 mail problems. But happy/nervouse wreck about my interview.

I'm still a very crazy chick from Disney they screwed me up.

I'm a different person.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:47 p.m. on 2004-06-01
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