Artificial Intelligence

>>> Goin' Home

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I can't believe the day is here!

Yes, I will be leaving tomorrow. It seems so unreal.

Last night I got my paper saying all the shit I need to do. I'll be running around like mad doing things tonight and tomorrow morning.

I expect to get off the ship around 9:30 ish. Not sure exactly how I'll find my luggage as I do check it in tonight, and er ... I wonder if they will check me again - see Immigration is fucking horrible to the workers.

They scream at us, yell at us, talk to us like we're just nothing. Yeah, we're just the workers afterall. I imagine it's like how it must be in the army or some third world nation.

Last time I took a larger bag off with stuff to leave in my parents truck, this lady grabbed my bag as if I had a pound of drugs in it, and threw it on the table and repeatedly screamed "what's in the bag!! What's in the bag" she tore everything out of my bag, papers falling on the floor, everything scattering around and me trying to pick it up and trying to say just papers and and and .... but she'd distrupt and say What's in the bag! Then after that I stopped and said PAPERS AND THINGS!!! She stopped, looked at me and told me to clean it up and go.

Fuck you lady.

So anyway, the only thing I have to worry on today is getting my costumes returned, washing my clothes, packing my suitcases and trying to get my boss to sign some of the things on my form.

Tomorrow I have to be up at 6 am for immigration, then it just goes from there all these little items I must accomplish, like it's some huge scavenger hunt and I have to do this, to get that and finally my prize is leaving this shit, I mean ship.

Regardless, I do have job prospects now, I talked with another person at the paper I tried for and didn't get the job with - this is a big paper - not the extension I was trying for before. I was going for East Lake, now I'm in West Lake - where I did want work afterall.

I did a meager resume and cover letter yesterday just to pan out and see what I have to work with. I feel it's missing something and some explaination or eye catching topic that I should highlight more.

You just never know with resumes and interviews, everyone is different and I suppose it's the way you're presesenting that information that will make or break you. I feel a bit sick as the job ad says 2 years experience but prefers 5 years! Hello! I hope to God I'm not up against someone with that much experience. The lady did say that there were three design jobs open now, so maybe I'll have a chance, even if to layout some boring part of the paper like classified or something easy like the AP section.

I wonder if they'll give me a test to see how I layout or whatever. I know they are big on TESTS like you're lying and don't know what you're doing. I think my youth kills me instantly, they want to see some old middle aged mo fo in there, yeah they are the "safe" hirers.

But I will try, naturally and will continue to toss my resume out in 100 directions.

My newbie replacement is being a real asshole today, he got mad because I was trying to explain this one thing to him. He gets so fucking mad at the stupidest things. I was like fuck you, fuck this I'm out of here early today, you can handle the rest of the work. Let him fall on his face and see how it is.

Why they hired him, I still don't know. This is his first job and he's still working in college illusions. Just yesterday he said in a mopey tone, "I sent out 100 resumes and only 3 got back to me."

And out of the 3, two are passed already. I wanted to say you're fucking lucky to have this job. But he's the type that thinks he's smarter than everyone, more of a designer, etc. The thing is, he isn't and he can't even design well! I mean he' NOT good whatsoever. Hell I didn't get a degree in design and I do better than him.

I guess it is time for me to go because I'm tired of his attitude and mostly tired of this music he listens to. He blares this techno shit all the time and most of the time I dont' mind as I like my music loud too, but not the shit he listens to. It just pisses me off, and now it all sounds the same ... so yeah we're both gratting on each other's nerves today.

Oh well I leave tomorrow so who cares! ;) I just want to poo poo around today and just do things and get shit done so I can sleep well knowing half of my list is complete. My roomate wanted me to sleep in the top bunk tonight so she wouldn't have to get up and move to mine (she wants to sleep in the bottom bunk now - which is where I slept) ... I was like uh NO. She begged and I was like NO. Is she nuts? So I get to wake her up when I leave to go to immigration so she'll move down to my bunk and go back to sleep. Geez...

Oh well, I better get back to the office, we have to print off tickets today and then this movie schedule. So I'm sure he'll get pissed off and his cheeks will get red and he'll be like "you never showed me this" wah wah wahhhhh. Big baby, I'm definately leaving early.

Yeah I need to change my diary when I get home, I hate the orange and I don't even have my diary notes linked.... How disgraceful!

posted by Jennifer @ 10:39 a.m. on 2004-05-14
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