Artificial Intelligence

>>> I'm Golden now ... check it out

Annoyance of the Day: Mouses that don't work
Listening to: Cake - 'Long jacket'
Feeling: Nervous

Ok I upgraded to GOLD! what. Look at my new banner here.

Ooh la la.

Well it's snowing out and Pooks is coming up here. Little does he know that we are getting 2 to 5 inches of snow tonight.

How lucky is he?

I am kinda ticked he didn't come earlier - where he would've probably missed this snow at least.

We leave tomorrow for Indiana.

Then I'll be working here:

I'd rather not say their name as they do check the net for people who might destory the "magic" secrets. And I just don't feel like getting in trouble (again) so fast.

So I'm kinda packed, I just am confused as to what to take and following their guidelines is confusing when you really don't know what's going on.

So alas I found the job description is still on the net and I applied for this job on 11/22/2001 and didn't get it, then applied on 12/2003 and got it.

Whoa huh. I didn't realize it was nearly a year ago I originally applied for it.

Still I feel the butterflies and doing all this new stuff is very scary to say the least.

But I shall survive.

Oh my snow advisory until SUNDAY 12 a.m. ... up to 6 inches!! Oh fuck oh fuck, I'll be driving through that tomorrow as will my parents. Geez mon.

Michigan isn't ready to let me go yet I see.

In other news, I made a sheet of crossiants today, they are do delish I could eat the whole sheet full. Oh my. Last time I made them I burnt the whole batch. This time, I'm almost wishing I had burned it all up.

Speaking of FOOD. I'm trying to get all the good foods in that I can. Me and the pook-meister are going to eat at my favorite local restaurant. That is, if this snow isn't too bad. The drive is short however. I would call for the drive to be plowed, but that is $15 bucks a PLOW, a DAY. And he's come about 3 times so far, that's er ... $45 bucks ... yikes.

Anyway, I'm sitting here typing and I keep smelling dog piss. I know that's gross but my lovely doxie loves to tinkle when you're not looking. He's pretty good and doesn't do it all the often, but recently every time I sit at the computer desk, I smell piss, which is gross.

I looked around and can't find any, then I get paranoid thinking maybe the dog itself smells like piss or is letting off piss smelling farts.

Oh my ... anyway, I will try to update this diary while I'm away for the four months. Even if it's just a shortie paragraph (I hear it's 25 cents a min to be on the net there). I also heard that I might get my own email address and all that good stuff. As long as I have the internet, I can pretty much worm my way into deleting histories so they don't know. I'm sneaky!

I also read some of my past diary entries, all the way back to 2001 where I first got my job.

I really wrote some nutty things and I apologize for going over the deep end many times. I'm really not that neurotic in life, I do worry to much and make a lot of big things out of small things. I just need to relax and chill.

So if anyone has read any shit-nut ones, that was some psycho-Jen, and I'm not really that bad anymore...I hope.

So all new and improved Jenn is about to break out. I am taking a camera with me on my new job (film camera) so I will take pics and then hopefully get them developed and post pics now and then!


I just pray I don't get to lonely and just hope I keep my head and wits about me. I know myself and sometimes I just frett and worry myself into a madness and then react without thinking and do stupid shit.

I'll just take my tiny steps and deal with things as they come.

Oh my old job? Well guess what, another reporter quit (gave 2 weeks) and another one is interviewing someplace else. We have a SMALL staff, so with me and two others gone, there is NO reporters then. Yes, you're reading that. NO reporters.

My boss told me this and asked if he could come with me to my new job! lol I wish I could've helped him, but I can't. Sorry dude, but pay people better, treat them better and perhaps they would stay.

I still can't believe I quit my job, reading how much I hated it in the beginning and now how I miss it. It's strange. I guess what I miss is the familiarity and knowing what to expect. Now I don't know anything and don't know what to expect.

I know as time moves on, it will get easier it's just those first few days of the unfamiliar and getting used to thing, I think you get tired of it and yearn for anything that feels like home and where you can let your guard down and just be.

I already miss those times, I tried to savor them yesterday since I'll be working 24/7 (seriously) but I feel a bit to wound up. Yet at the same time, I'm kind of taking this to easily, like I have days more to get ready when I don't.

Life is funny like that isn't it?

posted by Jennifer @ 1:14 p.m. on 2004-01-10
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