Artificial Intelligence

>>> Waiting for results, etc.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Today is very windy, they say it's "blustery" and that reminds me of that Pooh story.

But last night I did not sleep all that well. My dog ... well ... he was tooting all night.

Bad, bad, stomach bomb farts like he ate a sack of White Castle then some chicken rings and some mini corn dog bites. Oh man, I thought about throwing his little arse into his bed and locking him, up but I didn't want to mess with an angry doxie at 3 in the morning.

His tummy finally settled down and this morning he seemed better. I know it was the huge bone I gave him...he just chowed on it yesterday, he ate the whole thing except for a few small fragments that I intend to pick up and trash before he notices them.

I also must, must wash clothes tomorrow. I'll celebrate my new year with washing about two to three loads of laundry in our scary, bat haven basement! I haven't heard any bats as of late, but nothing surprises me anymore due to all the snow melting, I saw a friggin skunk dead on the side of the road this morning, they usually hiberate or something during the winter I knew animals are probably on the move right now.

Fucking animals.

I'm happy the snow is gone and I wouldn't much mind if it just stays away until I leave. The future-employer emailed me and said he cannot find the sheets I filled out ... so he's fed-ex'ing me some overnight, and I think he's sending them to my sisters house!

Oh well she can fill them out, I'm sure it won't matter to much, although her hand writting is clearer and nicer than my scrawl.

Damn, I should've worn my friggin sweater today with the beads on it, damn it.

Oh well, I'm not sure what to do about my violin classes, and anything else for that matter. I just feel like I'll get my results and find something is wrong with me and then boom, everything is gone, no new job, nuthin but worry about health.

My mom said that I'm fine and I should see a shrink since I'm so worried about things like this. She said I don't have diabetes, and that everything is going to be fine. To me, things happen all the time, and maybe my liver is bad or my cholestrol is sky high.

I was surprised yesterday that my blood pressure was good. I thought it was be very bad, but he said it's in the middle, which is ok with me. He squeezed the hell out of my arm ... to the point where I was ready to rip the thing off.

I'm just happy that's over, although all my fitness friends say I was taken for and should've gotten a boob smash (mammagram) and pap smear.

To me, I always read that paps don't necessarily have to be done until one loses their virginity. I guess at my age, people expect me to be a floosey. Like I'm a late bloomer in the bloomin' category.

So after I get my lab results and am cleared, is when I will give my 2 week notice and begin to pack and think about things such as how much shampoo, makeup, pads, er... among other things I shall require for my 4 month trip.

I know those months will zip by pretty quickly. Then two months off will be strange, and perhaps lovely to lay in bed, doing nothing, then probably working a bit, something. Those months will fly as well.

I do, pray, hope I have internet access so I can write here about my job and shit to keep my sanity.

They said my computer on board might have internet, or else I'm off to use their 25 cents a MINUTE internet. Er...that will suck ass, but I'll do with that I have. Or else I can maybe write my diary and cut and paste it when I sign on...however this works.

Oh well I should probably get back to work as I have pages to do and half a day. I am going to go to the grocery store before I go home. I suddenly have a hankering for bean burritos. I adore the things. So easy to pop in the microwave and put a spoon of sour cream on them...mmm delicioussss. I don't know if they are good or bad for me though. Hm.

Oh well my mouth is watering now in anticipation of my beany dinner tonight. I also have to get ... er ... a can of croissants - since I burnt my last batch - oh yes butter too ... and er ... perhaps another package of hot dogs for the dog and a few cans of dog food. Er ... and ... hum maybe a few frozen dinners and raman cups of soup for work.

My diet is so bad isn't it...geez. Why is food that you make for yourself, never tastes as good as the one someone makes for you?

Seriously. Oh well, I must also buy some chocolate something, I had such a hankering for chocolate last night, I ate a few weeks old chocolate rice cake. Oh my.

TODAY Is the Sex in the city fucking 5th season marathon on HBO. YES. It starts at 11 though (shit)...but I think that's 10 here... ;)

I'll toast the New Year alone with just me and the lil' doggie who farts like hell ... and I'll be looking at my (HOPEFULLY) lab results, or at least part of em' oh my...or Friday .... get them.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:00 a.m. on 2003-12-31
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