Artificial Intelligence

>>> Feelin' foreign

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I really hate "smart" humor.

Cause I just don't get it. It's like someone's talking in a different language.

It's just to smart for me! Yeah, I'm a moron!

It's like "well the internet does compact flips on the ethernet digital doozy!" Ha ha ha.


It annoys me a lot of the time and it seems people always try to drop those dud-bombs of supposed humor on me.

I laugh to be nice, and some say "you don't get it do you?"


They finally supposedly fixed my internet now, this jolly HAPPY guy came today, it seemed like the guy prior who had attempted to fix my internet had told him about me.

I keep seeing them laughing it up, this psycho bitch who says her net doesn't work, and when they get there it does work.

"Oh that nutty bitch" they laugh.

So this happy mother fucker comes into my house and it all gaggly over toto and I want to say you're REAL early dude.

See this is at 10:30 and they were supposed to come at 1. I had just scraped myself together, and was feeling ugly.

So he happily fixes it and is talking to me about computer stuff and I'm not understanding what the hell he's talking about.

I feel like I'm foreign, I'm not American anymore cause I sure as HELL don't understand what he's saying though it's in English.

I keep thinking ... do these people know me cause I'm that reporter?

I'm still slightly paranoid about that article I wrote on that local man and how everyone is upset, I wonder if they knew him and now hate me cause I did my job.


Oh well today is the company "Christmas photo" where we all have to look like we like each other and all look that pretty everyday.

Hooray, I stand this close and smile next to my boss! I wear nice clothes and there I go, I'm gorgeous!

Hallejulah. I can't spell today by the way.

I don't feel my self today - looks wise I look tired and my PMS has left a few tiny (bleck I'm to old for this) pimples on my normally clear face.

I hate getting zits. It's like hi, I have blemishes and am attempted to cover them up with make up, but just end up making them more apparent anyway.

But I look tired, maybe cause I went to bed at 2 a.m. and someone called at 8:30 a.m. I got up clearing my throat like I was about to sing a aria.

Then toto kept trying to give me the good morning neck roll, head crush, sloppy dog kisses. All I did was growl, "LAY DOWN."


Andy-boy is gone. I finally said, "how can you care so much about someone you don't even talk to all that much? You don't even know my last time."

I shocked that dear boy into reality and he said he didn't know what to say. I wanted to say, you just liked to write me letters cause you know I'm a writer and you were impressed and wanted to "show off" somehow.

So we haven't talked. Er. okay.


Anywho. I'm going into work early, gotta look purty, though I don't feel purty today, I feel dumpy. Not the Jenny who looked glorious last week. I've come to love my new Anna Nicole goes red-blonde hair.

It kind of suits me, I like it.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:14 p.m. on 2003-12-15
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