Artificial Intelligence

>>> What the Fuck

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

It friggin' snowed last night. It rained, froze, then snowed.

I sat there with the porch light on saying 'what the fuck' while the dog stood at my ankles looking at me saying "what?"

So I stupidly walked down to snap a photo at the Salvation Army, the wind is what is making today cold. Besides the temperatures, the wind makes it all the more colder, the snow makes it like a refrigerator.

I talked a bit to 40 yr old who said that he had to go the dentist for a root canal, and I said I'd never even had a cavity. He said dental virginity is more painful than the other type of virginity.

I said how the fuck do you know?

Dumbass. lol I hate stupid statements like that. Like men who say childbirth is hard, or easy, like they KNOW. Or when you cut your finger and you're crying your eyes out and someone is like "oh it doesn't hurt THAT bad." How the fuck do you know?

SO that's what I said. And he said something gay like "are you blushing?" I was like er ... no. Just because I'm a virgin doesn't make me all blushy when someone says sex or fuck or oral or whatever.

I'm not 14 years old I don't laugh when someone says dick or vagina. Geez. Like this one diary I read, I might be a virgin physcially, but mentally I'm a whore.

Well not really, but... you get the picture.

Oh well, it's been a kooky day, it's almost 2:30 and I was supposed to go to court today and do the docket, but I didn't feel like it and have been just putzing around, not really working. I wrote a column and did a few things. Surfed ebay, checked my mail. Called my parents.

I'll hunt for jobs in a few. I called my violin teachers and said I'm not coming today due to weather - icy, snowy - I'm not going home /staying at work late just to go to a class where I know we'll do what we did last week since I was the only one there.

She said OK and dropped by the office and gave me a poinsetta and ornament, candy cane and Jesus booklet as a present/thank you for helping them get stuff in the paper. I thanked them for all their kindness.

Anyway - God damn I wrote an article about this guy in court and his family is coming out of the woodwork to call and bitch at me. Fuck why not call from like Egypt and tell me how mean I am.

The father called and said I was the cruelest person though he's never met me. I wanted to say, well your son, who has three OUIL's and fought with a cop? Well that boy must be better than me.

Oh yeah he has two failure to report accidents ... a couple non-sufficent fund check offenses.

Yes, your son put everyones lives in danger by drunk driving. But since I read, wrote and published his open record, I'm the bad person.

Er. Okay.

This is exactly WHY I want to get out of reporting, all these fuckers who call me and say all these mean things. It's like screw you, your son fucked up was in court, but guess what that's public record, he assaulted a cop there. Argh.

Well...heh heh I passed this irate man over to my boss. Maybe that wasn't wise and maybe I should've dealt with it, but I didn't feel like listening to it. Usually they call the editor anyway, and my boss doesn't really do anything unless it's some major and this is just angry family.

Get over it.

I know if someone in my family had done this, my own kid, sorry dear you pay the consequences of your actions, not the reporter who's just doing her job.

So I panned off that man to my boss and the only thing I worry about is that these people live by me - and in a small town people are fucking nuts, I had better not have any phone calls or anything done/come to my house or else that is called harrassment.

Yeah I want a new job, out of reporting, out of the public stuff. I want a design job where there is no angry folks except your boss when they don't like something.

Oh well, out of this article, at least I made some folks happy, who say this man has fucked up their lives.

posted by Jennifer @ 2:07 p.m. on 2003-12-11
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