Artificial Intelligence

>>> Oh man....

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Yesterday was a big ticket, stupid day for me.

It was one of those days you make choices but don't think it through. First off, I bought a dye kit for my hair. I got it in this blonde, red type deal.

So, er ... I got home and dyed my hair while I was making myself pancakes. The gooey dye was the color of honey when I put it on, as I made dinner it somehow reacted to my cooking cause when it was time to rinse it out, it was the color of plums.

So I rinsed it out QUICKLY and it smelled like paint. Oh my.

So my hair now is a white, red color. I mean it's a bright red. I mean I didn't realize how dark my hair was before, but now I'm like a WHITE strawberry blonde, it's... well let's just say when this puppy grows out, I'm buying a dark blonde hair kit cause I can already around my face a little dark roots. Oh myyyyy!!!!!!

Sooo ... that was a bad choice I should've known it after my hair smelled like PAINT. Then my dsl/cable modem kept going on the fritz, I called the tech support on my cell phone ... and they said nuthin' is wrong. But it went out again, and still is acting up. Assholes.

Then I realized, why in the HELL did I use my cell phone to call a 800 number??? I just wasted minutes for NO REASON.

Geez mon, I don't know what's wrong with me sometimes.

I came into work today and this worker was like "I want to go to Fl with you."

At the same time she's getting a can of pop out of the fridge - and I realize that I took one of her pops last Sunday cause I thought they were what the boss brought in ... and I swear she says something like "you have to take me cause you owe me since you stole a pop."

I say WHAT did you just say? And she looks at me ... and I'm like did my mind just make that up or did she say that? I still don't know what she said, I think she really said, "let me drink my pop here." or something like that! I mean I wanted to SCREAM, my mind MUST'VE done that cause why would she A- go searching for someone who took her pop when she doesn't count them or didn't know... and B- I'm sure she would've repeated herself and said YOU STOLE MY POP.

When I asked her what she said, she said "nothing" so I went on and joked how she can go to Florida with me.

I feel weriod now, like maybe I should give her 50 cents or something, but I didn't know it was hers...ooh. And the evidence is in my GARBAGE right now. I mean who cares it's just pop and maybe I could've brought my own Mountain Dew w/ me to work. Yeah that's the ticket.

Oh well, I'll stop thinking about that crazy incident.

My boss just said my hair was "cute" and I wanted to die cause...I think it's horrible, I wanted to CRY when I saw it...she said it is lighter isn't it? I wanted to say...well YES!! I said oh just wait till it grows out... yikes.

Anyway, I have exercise tonight and I pray I do okay and not feel faint or dizzy like I did last time, that was bad, that instructor is nuts I swear to have made me go so quick into that strenuous exercise, like BOOM there ya go honey you can do it!

Well I couldn't, and I paid for it! Today I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but I'll go regardless even if I don't do her class I'll go and do the machines at least.

I'm also going to violin, I studies last night the terms and stuff so I can get up to snuff because I was confused on a lot of things/terms and by God I was playing a dec el fine where you play a song through and then play again and stop at the fine ... I didn't even KNOW this!!!

DUH no wonder I screwed up so bad last time. I wasn't thinking clearly. I can play the e-string songs OK now, not great but I can see where I was messing up before. I cannot play that fucking Shepherd's Hey song for the life of me!! It's so much to do in so little time, my mind has problems with these new strings and if I'm thinking about something instead of concentrating, oh man I get LOST!!!

I think I'll try to sit by my teacher tomorow, I do ok when she plays ... I just need to get in a comfy spot, I know we're in rough territory now because there are these notes where they are DOUBLED and that confuses me...oh geezzzz!!! I get so uptight/nervous about it because it's a lot to memorize and learn then and there, I just keep praying they will SKIP those parts or something! lol

I know they won't.

Oh well, pooks and my sister comes up Friday and I just realized that I was going to go to the store today on my lunch hour and shop. Oh man.

Maybe...I know this is bad, maybe I should skip exercise tonight so that I may get my stuff ready for Friday? I know I shouldn't ... but I just have SO MUCH to do at home and things to get ready and groceries and the dog who I leave alone to much. It's guilt either way I look at it....

Oh man.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:10 p.m. on 2003-12-03
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