Artificial Intelligence

>>> Annoying boy, working out ... yikes

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I'm having one of those days where I keep procrastinating.

Yeah I have a shit load of stuff due, but I did spend an hour looking for a Christmas tree skirt pattern cause I want to make on for my sister and my parents.

I ... er ... also am updating my diary instead of working, but that's normal isn't it??

Anyway that new boy is still an ass I haven't spoken much to him since he pissed me off. I've been short with him to let him know I'm not a push-over.

Today he keeps talking about his fiance'.

It's annoying, like a Seinfeld episode.


He keeps talking about her. It's like "yeah that's my fiance's car and my fiance is going to school and my fiance would think that's cool too."

It's like shut the fuck up. I know there are times where it's cute when guys do that, but this is majorly annoying.

Yes my fiance can layout pages too.

No, I don't like that color, though I'm sure my fiance' would agree.

That is how it is. He also keeps talking about his dumb ass college and the stupid college paper (he was editor).

He's always talking about it, I don't think I need to go into another rendition of using his college in a series of sentences. "Yeah my fiance went to Ferris where I went to Ferris too cause I was editor of the Ferris paper and I seem to think I know it all in the newspaper business, but I really don't know shit about the business.

I am easy-going, but I get annoyed really easily sometimes by people I don't like. We all do this though.

Anyway, that is my piss of the day.

My parents are coming home tonight, they keep calling me at work and it's like er ... I was excited at first, now that's getting annoying too. lol

But I am generally excited, no more sleeping with the doggie, no more waking up early and no more doing it all on my own! Hooray.

I know I'm spoiled. Sue me.

Oh well, my eye keeps twitching today, like the nerve is flipping out. This used to happen when I was under a lot of stress at college. And er ... now I'm under stress at work and my extra activities.

I have exercise in ... er ... almost a half hour. I've been drinking water like mad so I don't get dizzy in class like last time. I'm going to get there early so I can stake my old spot in the back - and then take two of the risers OFF that fucking hellish step so I don't end up feeling like I'm ready to die right there.

I think she said we're gonna do more upper body today, which is OK with me, although I did hurt my friggin' arm sewing last night (never, ever sew while laying down....ow)

My bonnet is nearly completed, it looks nice, but of course I notice all the imperfections.

Yikes. I can't believe how fast this month is moving. Geez Louise, before I know it I will honestly say I have worked here a straight 2 years w/o lying.

Scary though ... another scary thought ... I think I'm getting pms, man...I haven't had it since August. Then today boom I get those symptoms. Oh no. Oh me oh my.

I can deal with it. I think I'll go to violin class tomorrow too (maybe) cause I didn't go last week, I'm still thinking about it though. Depends on how much I have to do, I might not go... I have NOT practiced, I did a little yesterday, but man I sucked arse! lol I did, however, find a new way to hold the bow - more comfortable and more in control. Instead of jamming my thumb in the frog, I put it so it just lays in the gripe part, somehow that makes it easier for me to play with, it was great.

I just need to stop having that grinding sound, that weriod uneven sound. I recorded myself yesterday and it was weriod to hear when I thought I was doing good or thought it sounded really weriod, it didn't.

It was very helpful.

Oh well. I should get back to work. I feel very very nervous about my exercise class, last time was really bad. I think I should really take it easy now, and not let my pride take over. If I get too tired, I will just march in place, fuck last weeks painful 4 day thing. That was really bad. Somehow, though, I feel like maybe my arms are in for a really painful workout.

Yikes. OK TAKE IT EASY JEN you're not as flexible/strong as you were when you were going regularly before!....


posted by Jennifer @ 3:50 p.m. on 2003-11-19
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