Artificial Intelligence

>>> Update of sorts, happy go lucky, exercise

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Wanting: To go home

Thinking about: The man who just shook my hand had really dry hands; I think he sucked moisture from mine cause mine are itchy now. Bleck.

Feelin': Mediocre, headachy, ugg we have a meeting at 3:30


I got those photos I ordered for my violin teachers, but there is this friggin white border on top and bottom! FUCK. I got a 8x10 frame ... and omg the picture is 8x10!! So there is this mini border on top and bottom. Damn it. I went and bought this weriod matting, but I think it might be to small. I wonder if I could trim that myself. Hum.

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm quite the worried chicky.

I have to give it to them TOMORROW. Shitties!! lol

What was so odd, was as I was buying this frame and card for my teachers, my TEACHER walked in. AND THEN as they lady was bagging it up, my teacher said "Jennifer you shouldn't have."

I wanted to scream! I laughed and thought, if only you knew! lol!!!

I guess I have this perfectionist manner is from my mom, it has to be PERFECT my mind screams, and if it isn't then don't bother!

Can you say neurotic?!!!

Last night was complete hell, we lost power at WORK 4:30 p.m. and didn't get it until WED. So it was nuts ... people had to drive down to Big Rapids ... thankfully I didn't have to go although I had two reporters come to my house since I did have power.

I brought toto last night to work (in the dark!) and that was the only reason WHY I didn't have to go down. I was so happy, toto was upset though, he hates public places he doesn't know. So I held him while I was there (I hold him like a baby, on his back and he sleep like that) everyone thought it was weriod, kinda funny. But Toad loves it, he was sleeping away seriously for a while as I sat there holding him.

It was so very sad when I got there he had to go to the bathroom very bad, he began to whine and cry that's how bad he had to go!!! So I got out quickly and leashed him and ran across the parking lot to a grassy area in the dark and he found his spot.

I was kinda happy there were no lights, imagine me running a little doxie with a bright red leash across a parking lot in heels *clop, clop, clop*

Heh! It was kinda fun. Things like this always kind of makes you know your co-workers better, especially as the emergency lights began to flicker off, then suddently the office has gone from dim to compete darkness with the exception of car lights outside and two people with flashlights.

Anyway, besides this, I slept okay last night, did NOT want to get up this morning, Toto is on my schedule now and hasn't woken me up at 7:30 for the past two days. Tomorow I'm sleepin in!!!

I rescheduled my gym thing, I'm going Friday at 11 now, tomorrow I'm going to violin at 6:30, I felt like I have to. I figured I better just so I don't get behind, and two weeks is behind to me. I have to pratice tonight. I feel a bit guilty now cause I didn't really talk to my violin teachers daughter - I saw her and smiled at her, and I should've asked how her trip went.

I'm really trying hard to be a better person - more friendly or more intereted in people. I love how my teacher is, I know she's really religious, but I like her thoughts on how people need to listen and care more. I think she's right. I'm not doing it for religious reasons, but for myself, that's how I like people to treat me, and I want to treat others in that manner.

It's just nice to have someone take that time. So I'm trying hard to be like that. That's a personal goal of sorts, just to be more positive, more nice (at least on the outside ... hehe don't read some of my diary entries) ... I read this one girl's diary on here and she's all positive and nice and fun. I want to be like that. I know that's something you should'nt have to work at, but should come naturally.....

Oh well, I bought a that frame to frame their picture and then bought this mother framed poem for my mom for xmas. She loves those, I also saw this Hallmark cool ornament I'll buy her for Christmas too.

My boss asked if I would ride in the sleigh (from the 1800's VERY OLD ANTIQUE) for this parade and dress in victorian clothing.

Argh. I didn't reply, so I don't know if I have to. IF I DO, I'm having my mom make me a costume because I'll be damned if I wear one of the museums SHIT costumes!!!

Oh well that'll be ... er ... fun, I love to dress up, but man that's cold weather on a fucking sleigh ... I hope not by myself!! It seats two.

Anyway I'm a bit nervous on going to the gym Friday to see that exercise girl. I think because I saw her with other people and I don't want someone standing over me ... you know watching me exercise ... I don't know if she's there to see how much I can do, or if I know how to use the equipment.

Either way, ugh. I'm going to be truthful with her, I'm going to say, that I just don't have the time to go to classes and just want to do it partly on my own, but am not sure where to start. I know she's there to help and I KNOW we have a friendship (I've talked to her before). I guess it's just going back that has me jittery, it was very hard to go back and pay, it was strange as hell.

Oh well, I hope it all goes okay, I go Friday at 11:00. I should be okay, just grin and bear it!

Anyway, I have tomorrow off, yes!! Can't wait. I LOVE begining able to practice violin before I drive there, I don't know why but it helps a lot.

Okay we have a meeting at er ... I hope I can leave after that. I rented two movies ... Anger Management and Bowling for Columbine.

I hope they're good, especially bowling since I don't really like that guy, but did like this other movie about the Ford plant (can't think of the name of it!)

Tonights dinner is chinese (from can) yum. It looked like dog food when I poured it out of the can, I should've took a picture, it was nasty looking, but tasted good, I added a can of water chestnuts cause I adore them and they only had fucking THREE in the mix (I CoUNted THeM! Isn't that riduculous!)

Oh well, I have rug hooking tomorrow too, this lady yelled it across the street at me, I was like oh, er, okay! I'm not going, I haven't rug hooked FOREVER. I have my new kit started, but haven't had the time to do it. Er, either that or pratice violin.

I miss my fake nails again, I watched Legally Blond part 2 and she had a lovely french manicure. *SIGH* I REMEMBER those days, my best manicure came from the underground Dis ney salon that the castmembers go to, they were beautiful, man o man and cheap too for such a beautiful job.

Those were the days, I miss my nails, but if I got them, I'd miss my violin.

Okay going to also do a job search tonight and play my game a bit, relax a lot, clean my room and wash some clothing (tomorrow maybe) my dog got his icky hairs all over my FAVORITE shirt of the moment a pink quarter sleeved shirt from C.J. Banks, it looks a bit chinese, ooh I adore it right now, I feel like I look thin in it, and it makes my skin glow, I plainly adore it. I might take it to FL with me in January!!! hehe!

Today I was thinking on what to pack for that trip, nothing TO nice nothing to cruddy. I don't know if I should pack pants or capri's? I was there in ... er ... damn I think Jan. twice and one day was 80, the next was like 50.

I guess wearing capri's are safe enough, kinda pants, and kinda shorts. I think I'll pack a pair of jeans as a just in case. Er. HUM

Okay gotta check ebay for these things

posted by Jennifer @ 2:28 p.m. on 2003-11-05
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