Artificial Intelligence

>>> Money Woes...woe woe woe

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Damn it's already 12 a.m.

Geez last time I looked it was like 11.

Oh well

I updated my new diaryland blog if you haven't seen it yet, it's at or just click on the link on this page on the right.

I'm getting a custom design made up, so it's not gonna look like that for long.

I wish this diary had a Gold membership, but er, I'm not paying $24 again! lol

I'm happy with this little ol' diary, my tell all one. Not like the ol' blog which will be only fun short things. I think I might LOCK this diary, but I'm still not sure yet. I feel sometimes, people I KNOW, read it, and there is shit in here I don't want them to see.

All I know is my diaries won't be boring and confusing like a lot I read about boring NEWS and politics and shit that is like...WHO FUCKING CARES? ...then again, who cares about my little ol' doggie that I wrote about.

Oh well, I got off work early today! Whoo hoo, told the ol' boss I have a cold and I got out of there at 7!!! I worked 3 to 7, so FOUR HOURS of pure hell, I hate working nights.

So I came home and bummed and watched tv, realized I'm getting really fat and need to go purchase my gym membership tomorrow, and go workout now.

Pretty much, I could kind of IMAGINE and pretend I'm fucking prego cause I feel like I've gained 5 pounds in the last day. My body is like see SEE what happens when you stop exercising? You get a cold, and your clothing doesn't fit ya and my gawd you're bloated.

I'm a bit worried my period has been late for like two months now, I mean NO PERIOD AT ALL. I got PMS, but no period. I swear I think it's because my last period, which was in the end of Aug/early Sept. was bad real bad like go through pads with every sigh. Yikes.

So now it's Nov. and my body will be gearing up for it as soon as I begin to exercise or get really stressed out.

*cough* Damn air fresheners make me cough like nobody's business. *ahem* *hack hack coughhhh* My dog has his ears back like he's thinking SHUT UP.

Anyway, I'm really lazy still, I keep saying that I won't go exercise cause I'm sick or have to get home to the dog, but I'm gonna go anyway cause I really have to go.

It's like a emergency, like I HAVE TO GO. Like go before it gets worse! Go so you can at least BEGIN TO FEEL better and stop eating. I know as soon as I buy that pass, I'll go like the wind cause I ain't waistin' $40 and not go, fuck that!!

Oh well, I have to remember to gas up my car tomorrow, I kept thinking about it last night, I dont' think I've looked at the gas gauge for like a week!

Er, hmmm. I'm getting a bit upset, worried, etc. that my tickets for the SB concert haven't arrived. I need to sell them on ebay, and alas they are still stuck in the fucking mail!! ASSHOLES I HATE TICKETMASTER.

Did I tell you that? Really I do, they don't refund tickets, they said "you should have your tickets before the concert" I said the CONCERT IS IN FEB. 04!! That's like MONTHS away!! I emailed them and was like WHERE ARE THEY?

They said they try to get em to the people in 2 weeks, last Friday marked two weeks, I really don't see how a fucking envelope could be so hard to send. So. Argh! I really don't have the MONEY to lose on those, if it comes down to it, I guess I'll give them to my sister for FREE so she can go with us, but that's $250 out of my pocket, no wait $500 cause I paid for mine and pooks, though I told pooks I'd pay for have, so that's like $60....hum.

It makes me very nervous, I REALLY need that money and their little help section doesn't help me one bit! So I'm hoping I will get this them week, so I can put them up on ebay asap. I just want my $250 backkkk!!!! I already paid my parents $200, so with that $250, I'd just owe them $! That would be fucking LOVELY to have them paid off!

I told my sister I'll give her more moola for the Disney trip in my next check. Argh, I owe her, $422, but with our buying presents and splitting the costs, it might be down since I'm sending mom and dad flowers for their anniversary.

We're both strapped for cash, I think I'm worse off, but I did it to myself. I also will have some cash flow from my ebay auctions - hehe. I wish I could find MORE Things to sell. Become some freaky ebay power seller.

Too bad I'm running out of shit to sell.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:16 a.m. on 2003-11-03
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