Artificial Intelligence

>>> The deadend

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I woke up in a bad mood today. This was mainly because last night while the janitor was cleaning he did something that cause all our phones to go dead, and all lines to the print facility to be lost.

So someone had to drive down the paper, so we all ran around like chickens without our heads, I was calling everyone and the editor said I was have to go, whereas I flipped out and said I am NOT going because I have TO MUCH TO DO TOMORROW.

So another reporter went and the print place called me at 1 a.m. cause the reporter hadn't made it, I said I didn't know where he was, he has no cell phone and if I only had my magic carpet, I could take that and find him.

He was ok....okayy we'll call back later. They never called back thankfully, but I slept uneasy and woke up with a pounding headache.

I'm back at work again, I'm at work more than I'm at home and I hate that, I'm so tired of working over hours and not getting overtime, and most of all I feel like I'm pulling EVERYONE along here and NO ONE APPRECIATES IT WHATSOEVER.

I'm like, they don't PAY me ENOUGH FOR ME TO TAKE FUCKING PHONE CALLS AT 1 A.M. I don't know why the HELL they call ME I'm not the editor, I'm not ANYONE.

So I was very irate.

I still am I was sitting here today trying to get to finishing this paper and keep things going and I felt like crying cause I'm so tired and burnt out. I have to work this Friday, and it's like God damn, when do I fucking have any god damn time OFF anymore. I worked last Saturday, I have to work this Friday, I'm going to ask for Sunday off at least, I can't work this much, and they don't realize that since my boss has been taking his fucking vacation, I have to do HIS job and I have to train people and cut columns and write stories and keep on the court beat.

It's just to much for me to handle I feel like I've aged 20 years this past month.

I'm going to begin exercising next week, I can't wait, thank God I'm not going this week cause I already feel like the walking dead and it's only Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to come in and do that paper and then leave for the day.

I'm gettin antsy cause I really want out of here very very badly now. I'm just tired of working my fingers off and feeling like it gets me nowhere. I'd rather have just ONE task to do instead of a zillion, I want to have a 9 to 5 job and not have to worry about overtime or running to a car accident or house fire or whatever happens here. I just want out. I feel like that caged animal again.

My parents surely do not understand whatsoever. They just don't understand anything about what I'm going through, they think my job is great, and they don't understand that I do NOT want to live here and do not want to make fucking $20,000 the rest of my life that's already been WASTING HERE.

I just feel so trapped, like I'll never get out.

I should stop this cause I could cry a thousand tears right here at my desk at work.

The BOY reporter was so fucking happy with this page he paginated, I wanted to say oh fucking joy. I don't give a flying SHIT about your page. He thinks he's a great paginator, but I think he sucks his headlines are boring, his pagination is basic and boring. I wouldn't want to read that story.

There is no eye candy. I know I'm more advanced than him, but I hate everything anymore.

I'm so so tired of it all, I must have a touch of depression, burnt out or SAD or something.

Back to the fucking grind, work work work for underappreciation and no pay in this deadend job.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:25 p.m. on 2003-10-27
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