Artificial Intelligence

>>> Exercise epiphany, new plans for weight loss .... etc.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Man it's cold in here. It's getting to the point (again) where I go to bed cold and wake up cold.

That's REALLY annoying if you know what I mean. It was so cold in my room this morning that I didn't even want to move. It was bad!! I got up quickly cause the heat came on and ran into the bathroom and shut the door so the heat would get stuck in there, and then I finally warmed up.

Sheesh!! I told my parents they simply cannot leave the heat held at 65 at night, it's to fucking cold!! So anyway I'm at work (again) and I'm COLD AGAIN.

This is why I hate winter here in Michigan. I'm always cold here. Indiana wasn't that bad cause usually the heat was to high and at home, our house is always hot for some reason.

I miss home. I miss Indiana still after all these years (21 months here and counting).

I have to take a picture with the office today cause of National Newspaper week, so fuck I hope I'm in the back with someone in front of me. I'll have to stand sideways a bit and smile with my mouth slightly open so I look slimmer.


I was going to the gym today, but had an epiphany when I saw my fav. instructor no long teaches step classes and that asshole guy is now teaching them. I said NO, I am NOT GOING to his classes, I put my foot down.

So I'm going to go Tues to kickboxing and maybe Wed to this body fit - cardio and free weights class with this other girl that I like.

But I refuse to take classes with the guy, I just hate him because he frustrates me so bad and makes me feel like SHIT because I can't keep up with him and learn his routines. I'm not going to do that to myself.

I half heartedly blame HIM for my lag on exercise, when he began the classes, I really started to hate them.


So I'm going to make an appointment with the exercise gal there and have her set up a fitness plan for me. I mean fuck it, I'd rather exercise on my own than with him. I hate that MO FO.

Anyway, I hope to go there when it's not too busy as well, my dad wants to go there too so maybe we can go work out together, I foresee me buying batteries now cause I want to take my cd-walkman to listen to cd's at least if I'm on the ol' treadmill or whatever.

Still, I feel GOOD to have realized this and I want to do this.

Anyway, pts today, so far, 1 pt bread and I've had two peanut butter nip things...lunch is a lean cusine 7 pts.

Hum, dinner I'm making my enchiladas and I'm going to sit down and read over my WW stuff again.

I'm thinking about buying a subscription to the WW magazine. I just really want to get on this fast cause today I felt so fat and angry that my clothes fit tight when they used to fit loose.

I looked in the mirror and my face looks really bloated for some reason.

I realize that probably I don't look like I gained all that much, in reality I think I've gained like 5 lbs. and people probably think I've stayed the same, but I feel larger and see how my muscle is slowly wasting away to fat again. I just have to stop this before it gets worse.

Not to mention the past week I've had bad heartburn. I thought I was having a heart attach or something lol but I know it's heartburn. My mom said before she bets I have an ulcer, but I dont' think I do, I think I've been chowing on to much sugar, which is making that lil' stomach acid rise, causing this burning in my chest.

Allllll simple science...and er a good read in the medical book.

Heh heh

I have to go eat lunch, I'm so hungry, that'll probably help me.


I have to look for jobs this week. Thursday, maybe they will have that page designer job up.

I ALSO got called and that violin I was having fixed costs to much, and we're not going to have it fixed. The guy said it was $250 just to make it playable (he said to redo the peg box it would be like...$1,000 or something crazy), but with no guarantee cause the peg box/scrolls has been so badly damaged, that it might let go at any moment, if you're tightening the strings...I could imagine that loud CRACK and it falling apart.

He said the whole peg box would need to be rebuilt, the scroll worked on, that's how bad it is. He said pieces were missing, but oh well... I have the one I use now, maybe some day I'll get it fixed up right (someday when I have the money! lol)

posted by Jennifer @ 11:44 a.m. on 2003-10-06
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