Artificial Intelligence

>>> Tired of waiting ... job email II

Annoyance of the Day:
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Well I emailed that job asking how it goes with the job situation and that I was interested still. Not more than an hour later I receive this in my email:

I have no go-ahead yet. I'll let you know. I'm sorry for the delay -- believe me! There are four of us doing six people's work right now and it's a bear. Sharon

SO I suppose that is a bit "hopeful" because er, it wasn't "just forget it Jen" type of email.

Mom says I should "let it go and move on" and I said let what go? And move on to where? Not like I'm anywhere different then when I applied. But I have been lagging off on my internet job searching. I mean I HAVE been searching, but not really applying. And just my fucking luck, I will get an interview, the job someplace else and they will finally call.

But that in itself is a laugh isn't it? Me get another job? Oh so soon? Yeah right.

So yeah, I'm holding on, putting it all on the money, counting my chickens before they hatch and all that shit just on this one little job that hasn't even called me for an interview yet.

It sounds "promising" that I will definately receive an interview or else she would tell me to just shove it, but she hasn't and it's amazing she remembers and feels so "freely" to speak to me on it. I wonder what the other applicants are thinking. Did she email them too? Are they all calling or emailing her like I did today?

OR am I one of only 3 that applied. Or maybe one of 50 that applied.

You never know.

So anyway, I feel uptight today a bit, crazed. Just a tig-bit nutty cause I feel tired of waiting.

But like I always say, I'm always waiting, life is waiting for something, waiting for happiness, love, death.

Just waiting and waiting until your ticket is called.

I'm just tired of waiting.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:00 p.m. on 2003-09-22
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